Flying Roaches

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Sunday 2:30 Am
       I woke up to someone pounding on my door.
"Natalie! There's a roach in the kitchen!" They squealed. I knew exactly who it was. "Ava calm down! How big is it?" I cracked open the door.
        "It's massive! The size of a dime!"
        "do you understand how small a dime is? Is it flying?"
         "Yes! We're all going to die!"
         "Jeez, why did you call me? I hate flying roaches. Get the landlord!"
         "It's 2:30. AM. There is no way that we can get him. We're on our own."
         "It wants to be here. Let it be. Its a baby, and as long as we don't leave any food out, we'll be fine." I assured.
          "You're so neat! But Lily is the biggest slob ever! We NEED to kill it! Do we have bug spray?"
           "No. You were supposed to go to Wal-Mart to buy groceries but you never did..."
     Ava looked even more frantic and ran across the hallway to Lily's door.
           "Lily! Can you kill a roach!" Ava screeched.
"She's not answering!" She probably thought that a murderer broke in from the pitch of Ava's scream.
           I wanted to kill the roach, so I went to find it in the kitchen. I looked under the stove, under the fridge on counters and on the floor. Even in the fridge. I looked everywhere. The roach was nowhere to be be seen. At terrible timing, Ava walked in.
          "WHERE IS IT???" She demanded to know.
I frantically looked for the roach. "It better be dead." I tried to find a way out, but I couldn't. I only had one choice.
           "I killed it. It's in my toilet."

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