Part 1

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Thor's alarm goes off. It's time to get ready for his first day of 5th grade. He's excited to start learning the Groot language. He's been waiting for years to be old enough to learn languages. Loki decides not to take any electives. He'd rather get home early to set up pranks for Thor and Hela. Unfortunately for him, Hela makes the same choice, so they get home at the same time. They all get their backpacks ready to leave. Frigga has made their lunches. The bus arrives. They all get on and wave goodbye to Odin and Frigga.

As soon as they get off the bus, Thor runs to his first class, which happens to be his elective. Loki and Hela slowly stumble to their first classes. Math and History. They both have a awful and boring day, while Thor has the best day of his life. He becomes friends with everyone there. The early bus comes to pick up Loki and Hela. When they get home Loki eats all of the Pop Tarts. In her rage for Pop Tarts, Hela destroys the toaster. When Thor gets on the bus about an hour later, he begins dreaming of Pop Tarts. He gets home only to discover the horrors that have occurred. A broken toaster and no more Pop Tarts. Thor becomes furious with Loki and Hela. He quickly grabs Mjolnir, but before he gets to Loki's room to destroy him, Frigga spots him.

"NO! THOR! What on Asgard are you doing?" She yells.

"Well, Loki ate all of the Pop Tarts so I'm out to destroy him", he says.

"No, Thor, please don't. Deep down you know you love your brother."

"Well, I guess most of the time he is okay. Except for when he turned into a snake and attacked me."

Frigga understands Thor's fury, but makes sure he doesn't kill Loki or Hela. Instead she takes him out to the store to pick out any Pop Tarts he wants. Until Loki eats then again the next day.

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