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Bakugou POV


I was in my room trying to sleep but that fucking nerd kept popping into my mind, I groaned. Maybe if I thought about him right now then it would stop. I began to think about the things about him I don't think much of, i've noticed I haven't seen him smiling genuinely ever since we stopped being friends.

Now that I think about it, he doesn't have any friends. My old friends were also mean to him when they thought I wasn't around.

"What do you think you're doing hanging around someone with a quirk as great as Bakugou's when you're quirkless?" I just watched as they pushed and kicked Deku, "S-stop! Please!". For some reason, I hated the thought of someone other than me hurting him without my permission. "What do you guys think you're doing?!" my friends flinched as I hugged Deku, "This is what you do to my friend when i'm not around?" they looked down. "B-but he's quirkle-" "I still consider him my friend! If you do this behind my back again we'll stop being friends again got it!

I yawned, I can't believe I went from being tsundere to (big tsundere) beating Deku up everyday. I closed my eyes and entered my dreams.

"Huh?" I looked around, I was in a room I didn't recognize. Getting off the bed I walked downstairs to be greeted by "DEKU??". Deku looked over at me and grinned, "Ah Kacchan! You woke up! Sit down I made breakfast!" I was confused but sat down anyways. He then kissed my forehead making my face heat up. "Did you have a goodnight's sleep?" Deku went back to making pancakes as I attempted to process if I was dreaming or not, "yep totally uhuh". "Are you okay Kacchan? You're not acting like yourself" I looked up finding him right infront of my face, "Maybe a kiss will wake you up!" his face inched closer. Our lips about to me-


My eyes shot open and I glanced at my alarm clock, do I like that shitty nerd? I turned my alarm clock off and sat up straight (which he totally isn't-), it was probably a nightmare! Okay now to get ready for school and forget whatever happened in my brain.

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