IN Trouble?

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There was a crowd of students gathered around the notice bored. They were watching Judy hang up the poster they made last night at the notice bored.

Oliver and Ray had just come and seen the poster. Oliver had a smile plastered on his face when he saw Judy trying to tape the poster on.

Judy felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to face Mr. Kevin.

"You are supposed to come early and post such a thing. How can you be so open about this?"He questioned her.

To which she replied "I am just not a morning person." Mr. Kevin scoffs and reads the posters and advises her.

"you should highlight the important messages here and all so from a distance..." he stops after seeing Mr. Ned walking down the hallway after spotting the crowd.

Mr. Kevin suddenly turns to face the crowd and scolds them "guys, hurry up to get to the classrooms. Judy Mills, take it down now!"

However, Mr. Ned had caught up and yells "Hey!! What are you all doing there?"

Mr. Kevin quickly tries to shoo the kids off before they get into trouble.

While all the kids were running away and Mr. Kevin was trying to hold back Mr. Ned, Judy finishes taping her poster which read:

I am looking for ones with conscience. My fellow students, is your conscience safe? Teachers who look the other way knowing SKET DANCE is gone, you feel better? Are you all happy after you discriminate? If so, make some noise now. Consciousness! Where are you now? Come back. I want to live happily.

As the day went by she went around the school hanging up prints of the posters.

Mr. Ned kept on taking them off where Mr. Kevin kept on pasting some of the posters back when no one is looking around.

One of the students took a picture of the poster and reported it to the education ministry office.


Judy was outside in front of the school gate. Elliot was next to her holding their signature strawberry milkshake near her mouth so she could drink.

Both her hands were holding another poster she made. It read:

It is unfair that our club was shut down. Return our club room! My fellow students, this is the truth about our school.

As she was doing all this the principal came to see her.

"You are persistent. I will see how far you can go." She says as soon as she reaches Judy.

As Judy replies "sure!" The principal turns around to go back in when she sees the education minister making his way to Judy so she quickly whispers to Judy.

"Will you go back to your classrooms? Now! Go back to your classrooms!"

Judy and Elliot also sees the education minister and understands why the principal wanted them to leave quickly.

Judy smirks and says to the principal. "you said you would watch me. I am encouraged that you are watching me."

The principal grabbed her hand and tried to move Judy but she was too late as the minister had already arrived near them.

"Judy Mills. I read your poster." As the minister said that the principal quickly replies. "Minister, this is not what you think. I can explain everything in my office."


Judy, the principal and the minister were sat around a table. The minister speaks up.

"You have become a star on social media sites. A photo of your poster was sent to our office too. I am assuming that there is not much movement of clubs at your school. As you already know, our newly appointed superintendent worries about the schools that focus on grades only."

The principal told Judy to go back to her class while the minister and she could talk.

As Judy left the principal spoke. "They are minors. They were involved in inappropriate behavior in an empty club room. Should we let it go? If it leads to a serious outcome, who is going to be responsible for their future? I am not shutting down all club activities. I just shut down an inappropriate club. if something happens, I will personally meet with the superintendent. With this incident we will focus more on educating students."


After the minister had left the principal had an announcement that all the students would be grounded for 2 weeks meaning that they cannot have their phones in during sessions or they cannot leave to go where ever they want to and when ever that want to.

Mr. Kevin was holding out a plastic box and walking around so that his students could put their phones in.

"I will collect it now and return it this afternoon after session ends. So stop complaining so much. There was a recent unfortunate incident. For that reason, it is a temporary measure to set things right. We already got your parents permission. I hope you will not resent this too much. Let us start our interesting class shortly."


Everyone was at the cafeteria, some were already at their tables and some were waiting in line.

Judy was in front of the line and everyone was glaring at her because everyone knew that the reason they were grounded was cause of her incident.

As she finished getting all the food on her tray she was heading back to her table when two boys came up to her.

One very chubby boy who had messy curly hair and one rather skinny boy who had a buzz cut.

The buzz cut boy hit her tray so all her food went to the floor and the sound of the tray hitting the ground made everyones attention move to them.

Judy yells "what are you doing?!"

The chubby boy yells back "what are you doing? Can you possibly eat now? Dont you know we are grounded for two weeks? There is a notice in the hallway. Because of this lunatic we are not allowed to go out for two weeks."

Right behind Judy in the line was Dorothy. Judy looked at her hoping that she would stick up for her  but Dorothy just left her alone.

The chubby boy turns to face the students and continues "from our cell phones they took they will find the reported photo. They will take points off from us, too."

One of the girl in the line adds as she stomps her feet "I scheduled all these private tutoring sessions for the exams."

The buzz cut boy pushes her and says "you, how will you be responsible for this? Do you know how much the private tutoring costs?  How will you be responsible for thus huh lunatic?"

The chubby pushes her much harder and yells "if you dont do well you should just lay low. Why did you have to act up?"

Before he could push her again a boy from behind the line says "that is enough. Lets just eat. The food is getting cold."

As they backed off Judy looks at the owner of the voice. It turned out to be Oliver. She had tears in her eyes and was trying to hold back her tears and her anger.

She stomps out of the cafeteria without eating.

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