The Beginning

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"I JUST don't get why we gotta move from Massachusetts to Reseda, Mom. You're dragging me away from all my friends in my SENIOR year! Do you know how much you're ruining my life right now, not to mention my education! When i end up homeless on the streets in 5 years time i'm generously entitling all blame to you." I ramble on. Fuming would be an understatement I would say. 

"Look, P, I know you're upset -"

"Pfft, you're laying it on light" I interrupt. My mom lets out a soft sigh.

"Portia, It's hard right now but I promise you're going to see the bright side of this. A whole new state! Endless possibilities to be discovered."

I sigh, truly trying to think of what good can possibly come out of this. Just an average 5ft-something brunette. Dad would be more understanding, I know that for sure. But nope, he's too busy with his new little brat and posh wife Debby to even stop to remember just for a minute that he has another daughter.

"Look honey, we're here!" She says pulling into  parking space outside an apartment complex.

I sigh once again before aggressively opening the car door and stepping outside to look at my so-called new 'home'.

"South Seas" I say, clearly unimpressed by it's attempt to make it look decent by adding two palm trees near the entrance.

"I know, doesn't it look great! I was told it's got a pool as well, how luxurious!" My mom can barely stand up without falling over with excitement. She grabs two boxes and starts running through the gate. "I'll meet you up there P, apartment 2C!"

"Great" I sarcastically mimic as I reach for my skateboard and search for a box to grab. A moving figure catches my eye from behind the boxes. A young boy, brown hair, brown eyes as well I think, very slim - needs some time in the gym to be honest. He's locking his bike up and keeps looking over. Oh for Pete's sake he's coming over.

"Hey there" He smirks, noticing the rage behind my eyes.

"Hey" I lazily reply. The last thing I need right now is some twig on a bike hitting on me.

"Need help? You must be the new people in apartment 2C, I'm across the hall, Daniel" He holds his hand out to shake over the top of the car roof.

"Should be just fine, I think I can manage, thanks" I coldly respond before walking away with two boxes stacked and my skateboard resting on top of them, holding it all in place with my chin. It's a skill, I know. I make my way through the gate to see the pool in front of me. Not too bad, the water's very clean and it looks like it's got a nice temperature to it. I make my way up the stairs to find apartment 2C and enter. Wow, I've been in public lavatories better than this. I make my way to my room and shut the door before I give my mom the chance to start conversing with me. At least i have an en-suite, that's one thing I can appreciate from this move I guess. I go to splash my face with water, only all i receive from the tap is rattle and ugh, no water. My mom knocks on the door and comes in before i can even respond.

"P, do me a favour and find out where the caretaker is, the plumbings being a bit difficult" she chuckles, blatantly trying to remain positive.

"Whatever" I respond before storming out to find him.

After strolling the whole complex I can't find anyone. It's completely dead here, I feel like i'm in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. When suddenly the peace and quiet is interrupted by the sound of footsteps down the metal stairs. A lady with extremely curly and dark hair, wide blue eyes frantically smiles at me.

"Oh hi there! You must be the new people in apartment 2C, I'm Lucille, apartment 2D! Anything I can help you with?"

"Um yeah actually, the caretaker? Our waters out" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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