Chp 1 - O, how a stare can make your heart flutter

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"Clean the table before you go! And HURRY BACK!"
This house is chaos; not one second will that baby shut up!
A quick wipe over the table with a cloth and I'll be out of here, not that school was any better. The boys are mean and I'm already the outcast.
And O, that Billy kid. Now I wouldn't be mad if he were slapped on the head with a slate so hard it broke - not that I could imagine anybody ever doing that.

Fingers gently brushing over the textured cover of my art book - time almost felt at a stop.
Loud footsteps make their way faster and faster down the hallways, that being my que to leave before something else is asked of me.
With a quick swoop of my book, I'm as free out the door as an American eagle.


The crunching of the sun baked grass make a soft duet with my blood rushing in my ears, all becoming louder by the second. My senses feel heighten; Am I frighten, nervous, late or all of the above, I can't tell.
With a hard swallow I reach for the school house doors. It seemed as if every head had turned at the same speed as the door and all eyes landed on me.

"COLE MACKENZIE!" The furious shouts of Mr Phillips echoed the room,
"Is there a reason you are late or am I going to have to punish you!"
Mr Phillips ears seemed to have gone in one ear and straight out the other...
There was someone sitting in my spot...

"JUST as I thought. Since there is a new boy now in your spot and you seem to have overslept your beauty sleep, you will sit with the girls." His strict face did not budge one bit.
Laughter grew in the room, undoubtably Billy's along with my shameful foot steps on the wooden floor.
The new boy had looked away embarrassed.
I sat at the back in the sit of a girl who hadn't shown up that day, providing a new perspective of the classroom I hadn't seen before.

The girl in purple next to me had a judging look like Billy's, I wouldn't dare to take out my art book as result of the last incident.
I will endure until lunch.

After sometime I find Mr Phillips voice to be ... annoying, boring. Eyes wandering around for any kind of amusement yet only ever finding themselves on the new boy.
He was so.... Interesting.... beautiful.

He moved uncomfortably, He could feel I or someone was watching him. My eyes moved away quickly in fear of being caught at same time as he turned to face me.
He tilted his head slightly, confused as everyone was concentrated on their slates. Slowly but surely I had looked up, my gaze almost locking into place of his own.
My chest has never felt like this, as if a bag of butterflies has been let out inside of me.
This feels funny; it feels strange like nothing else I've ever felt. Not like any girl had made me feel.
This isn't right.

O, how a stare can make my heart flutter.


This is crap, eh sorry. The other chapters are twice the size of this don't worry... I guess this is like a pilot??
My writing is really bad I know but Cole deserves to be happy for once.

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