Chapter 28

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Alec brought a bottle of water from the desk and gave it to Maryse, she drank it and sat down, he whole body shaking "oh Alec, I'm so sorry, it's my fault", "What are you talking about?", "Alec" she grabbed his hand way to hard "I promise we figure it out and I will bring you away from here", "Mom! What the hell? I want to marry him", she shaked her head "no Alec, that's all the seelie magic,  she made you think you love him but it's all a trick", "at first I want to know what's going on, what are you talking about?", Maryse tried to calm down "it's..happened when you were born" she held back her tears "you were about to die because in my pregnancy the clave tortured me because I was in the circle, they didn't believed me that I was pregnant, they thought I just wanted to avoid punishment, when you were born i didn't knew where to go, not even Simon could help me, so I went to the seelie queen as my last chance" she sighed shaky, Alec frowned "continue", "she healed you but I had to make a deal, you, the first born shall belong to her court when you turn eighteen", Alec looked at his shocked father, Maryse stood up "it's all the part of her plan, Alec, the boy is a trap and he is about to seduce you to bring you to the court", "no" Alec shaked his head "That's not true", "You have to believe me" Yelled Maryse crying "she want to take you away, she wants to lock you in her Kingdom just because I asked for help, she enjoy this because I want hunting seelies when I was in the circle", "Magnus would never-", "Alec" she cried and took him in her arms "I love you so much my boy, I can't lose you, I fought for you, please open your eyes, it's all a trap", "Mom! I believe you" he said and grabbed her shoulders "I believe you that it's all the parts of her plan, but Magnus would never do this if he knew", "they all know this, they are the masters of tricks", "Magnus won't do this", Maryse sighed and sat down "the boy is the part of this, he's guilty".

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