Chapter 32

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"What?" Asked Alec, Jace words were his dream, it was everything he wanted but before he met Magnus, Jace came a little bit forward "I love you Alec, so much", "Jace wait..I can't..I..I can't do this", "I am so sorry that I didn't realised it before" Jace shaked his head "I just..I was so focused on the girl that I barely knew that I didn't noticed my parabatai who was with me all along, who loved and protected me", Alec couldn’t move, "let's run away..I know how forbidden it is to love your parabatai, I want to be with you", Alec shaked his head "Jace..I..I never loved you", Jace heart was broken, Alec could see it in his eyes "What?" He whispered breathless, "I admire and adore you but..I never loved you the way I love Magnus", Jace stepped back "I..I am too late, am I?", Alec nodded "Yes, I just want to see Magnus, he's the only one who i want right now", Jace licked over his lips and looked to the side, he reminded Alec how he was as a kid, abused by valentine, broken and destroyed "of course uhm..I'll help you to find him, come on", Alec still couldn't move, Jace was nearly his tears " sorry, I am so sorry but it's Magnus who showed me how to love", Jace came forward and brought his hand on Alecs chest "so your feelings were never real to me?", "no, I'm sorry Jace", "it's because of Clary?", "its because of me, my feelings for Magnus", Jace's expression changed "BUT MAGNUS IS STILL MINE" he screamed in a different voice, and woman voice and pushed Alec back "you can't love him that much" Jace muted to something different, the seelie queen, her hair were too long that covered her face, her dress wet and she looked absolutely demonic, her scream was too high "Magnus is mine", her long arms wrapped around Alecs neck "you loved the blonde nephilim, why did you stopped?", Alec chocked "Because..he..was never the one, it was Magnus", the Queen stepped back "it's just a illusion, a trick, the love is never real", Alec shaked his head "only if you don't believe in it".

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