Day before dance

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At Cornbury highschool, four students were talking by their lockers.

"Come on guys, it could be fun!" The blonde boy in this group said. His name was Tyler Bowman. The leader of the group was holding a poster that had a picture of a mask on it, with the words 'Cornbury high school Masquerade Ball'

"Sorry dude, but you know better than anyone that we aren't good when it comes to dances," said the boy with curly black hair. This was none other than Kevin Reynolds. His words were of course slurred due to his braces.

"Speak for yourself! I have the best dance moves EVER!" The third male said. This is Theodore Roachmont. His friends call him Roach. His curly orange hair covers his eyes.

"Besides, we know you want to go because you want to dance with Amy Anderson Tyler." Said the only female in this group. She is the one and only Jennifer Shope, although her friends just call her Shope.

Tyler blushed at the name of his crush, " Maybe, but it could be fun! No one will know who anyone is! Besides, what could possibly go wrong?"

~~At Lunch~~

As the noobs ate their lunch, Amy Anderson herself walked up to their table.

"Hi guys" She said in her usual bubbly tone. Tyler blushed deeply, "H-H-H-H-H-" Kevin elbowed him, "H-Hi Amy!"

Amy turned to Shope, "So I'm guessing you'll be going to the dance Shope?" Shope nodded in response.

"So how about you come and get ready with us girls? We can help you pick out your dress, your mask, your makeup-" Shope put her hand up before Amy could continue, "Yea I'll join you guys."

Amy squealed, "Great! Meet us at the mall at 5 o' clock! See ya!" And with that said, Amy skipped off to her table.

Shope sighed and looked at her friends, they were all looking at her like she was crazy.

"Did Amy Anderson just invite you to go dress shopping with her and her friends?" Tyler asked.

Shope sighed, "Yea, so I guess I won't be walking home with you guys today."

~After School~

Training was unusually cancelled today, which seemed strange to Shope, but the boys were very happy and they didn't seem to care.


Kevin called the galacticus, Zen answered with a groan, "What is it Kevin?"

Kevin cleared his throat, "We need to cancel training today, Shope will be out with girls and I- I mean We want to get some time with her that isn't training."

Zen sighed, "Fine go spend some time with your girlfriend."

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Kevin screamed but Zen had already hung up.

~Back to regular time~

As the noobs walked to the park, they suddenly heard some screams. Just then, a giant Tree roared at the civilians running away, throwing branches to trap them. The noobs ducked behind a nearby building and transformed into their battle suits.

When they jumped out from behind the building, They took their battle balls out and turned them into swords. "Alright noobs! Lets go and cut down this tree!" Tyler yelled.

With that the noobs charged towards the roaring tree, they tried to cut through its bark but that didn't work. Their swords just bounced off the bark, sending them backwards.

As the tree swung down its giant hand to crush the noobs, Shope quickly summoned the wind and held off the trees hand. The tree roared in anger and pushed down on the shield-like wind. Shope was pushed back a little, but she kept the wind going. Her friends by now had gotten up.

"Alright! Lets get the tree while Shope is distracting it!" Tyler said.

Kevin transformed into an elephant, he and Roach rammed the tree away, then Tyler teleported to it and extracted the virus, making the tree turn into a confused park ranger.

Shope stopped the wind and about collapsed due to the amount of energy she used to keep the shield up. Before she hit the ground, Kevin transformed back into a human and caught her.

"Are you okay Shope?" Kevin asked worried.

Shope nodded, "Thanks," Kevin helped her stand up. Tyler teleported back to them, "Alright well what time is it? I bet we have enough time to hang out some more."

Shope checked her watch, "Its almost 5! I gotta go guys!" With that, Shope ran off.

The boys sighed. "Hey lets go to the galacticus and see what we can do!" Tyler said. Kevin and Roach yelled, "Yeah!" And they headed off towards the galacticus.

~~With Shope~~

Shope, now transformed into her regular self, ran to the entrance of the mall. She saw Amy and some other girls and waved. Amy waved back.

As they walked to the first store, Amy decided to ask Shope some questions, "So Shope, What color dress do you think Kevin will like to see on you?"

Shope blushed, "W-What do you mean?

Amy giggled, "Oh come on, it's so obvious you like him."

Shope blushed more, if possible, "S-So what if I do like him? It's not like he likes me back."

Amy smiled, "If he doesn't, then seeing you in an absolutely gorgeous dress will make him fall head over heals for you."

They walked into a dress store, Shope looked through the dresses and saw a light blue dress. She found a purple mask with gold on it. Shope quickly went into the change room and changed into the dress. She stepped out and Amy and her friends gawked at her, Shope put the mask up to her face, "What do you think?"

Amy squealed, "You look amazing! No one will be able to recognize you!"

They got their dresses (Author~Person: You'll find out Amys in the next chapter.) and stepped out.

~~With the boys~~

Kevin, Tyler, and Roach tried on some tuxes.

Kevin got a long-sleeved white shirt with a black vest, a red tie, black pants, and a red mask.

Tyler got a blue dress shirt, black pants, and a blue and black mask.

Roach got a orange polo shirt, a white long-sleeved under shirt, and an orange mask.

Mem and Zen, In Bob and Rob form, looked at the boys with tears in their eyes.

The noobs all wondered what was going to happen at the first ball...


Hey guys!! So I don't know about a schedule for this story yet,

I might update once every month but that's not a guarantee.

So I'm gonna need some help guys, I need a person for Roach, comment a character, tell me their name, what they look like and what they like to do for fun. I can try and create some characters and see which one you guys like best if thats okay.

But if you wanna put a character you made in here then comment it down below, I will of course give you credit for letting me use the character.

See ya guys next time!!


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