The Day of the Dance

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(Picture above is what Shope and Amy look like for the dance)

    The noobs were all at school, hanging around Shopes locker. The boys were trying to get Shope to tell them what she was wearing to the dance so they would know who she is. Shope didn't give them the satisfaction.

"For the last time guys, i am not going to tell you what I'm wearing so you will know who I am. It adds the excitement of trying to figure out who is who," Shope said, trying to reason with her best friends.

Tyler shrugged, a smile on his face, "Okay, well can you at least tell us what Amy is wearing so I know what to look for when I am looking for her?"

Shope sighed, "Sorry guys, but Amy and her friends made me promise not to tell you guys what they're wearing."

The boys looked sad, but then perked up fast. That made Shope worried.

"Oh don't worry Shope," Kevin said with a smirk plastered on his face, "We'll be just fine, but how about we hang out at your place after school?"

Shope knew why Kevin wanted to hang out at her house, so they could get a glimpse of her outfit for the dance. Luckily, Shope thought ahead and had Amy take her outfit so if the boys wanted to try this, they wouldn't find anything.

"Fine with me, but you gotta be careful, my parents don't like the house being messy," Shope smirked. Kevin looked suspicious, but he wasn't about to let Shope win this supposed argument, "Fine then! After school, we'll meet up here and go to Shopes house!"

"Fine!" Shope said. And with that, the bell rang.

~Timeskip to after school~

Shope was waiting by her locker for the boys when Amy came up to her.

"Hey Shope, how are you?" Amy asked with a smile.

Shope smiled back, "I'm doing good, the boys have been trying to figure out what my outfit for the dance will be. They want to be able to know who I am in the dance."

Amy giggled, "Looks like you got your hands full."

Shope giggled, "Yea, but they're always a handful."

Amy giggled again, "So I wanted to tell you that we'll be meeting at my house around 4 o' clock so we can get ready for the dance. Does that sound good to you?"

Shope thought about is for a moment, "Sure see ya then"

As they waved goodbye and Amy walked off, the boys walked up to Shope.

"What were you talking with Amy Anderson about?" Tyler asked.

Shope turned to her friends, "Just stuff about the dance. So are you guys ready to go?"

The boys nodded, and the four friends headed off to Shopes house.

~Timeskip to Shopes house~

The boys were frantically searching Shopes house for the outfit. However, they couldn't find it no matter where they looked.

Afterwards they took a break and Shope gave them some lemonade.

As they were drinking their lemonade, Tyler got an idea.

He stood up quickly, "I've got it!"

The other noobs stood, confused on what Tyler was saying.

Tyler poked his forehead, "I have the power to read minds! So I just need to read Shopes mind and find out where she put her outift for the dance!"

Kevin and Roach cheered as Tyler pointed to Shope, closing his eyes as he concentrated on reading Shopes mind. Shope looked calmly at Tyler, and that made Kevin and The Roach suspicious.

Tyler was suddenly flown backwards, as if something shoved him. The boys looked at Shope and saw her smirking at her friends.

"How was I not able to read your mind?!" Tyler said/yelled.

Shope shook her head, "I has the XR4TI put a modification on my battle ball that sheilds me from your mind reading abilities. That also includes your ability to control my mind as well."

Tyler, Kevin and The Roach screamed, "WHAT?! THAT'S UNFAIR!"

Shope frowned, "No, What's unfair is you guys not respecting my wish to not tell you what I'm wearing to some stupid dance just so you guys can know who I am. I want to have fun at this dance and it makes it more fun if I don't know what you guys are wearing and you guys not knowing what I'm wearing."

The boys sighed and looked down. "You're right," Kevin said. "We'll respect your wish," Tyler said. "Even though we will never know who you are at the dance," The Roach said.

"Sorry guys, but not knowing who each other is makes it more exciting doesn't it?" Shope asked her friends, wanting to cheer them up.

The boys perked up a little. "You know what? it kinda does make it more fun," The Roach said.

"See?" Shope said, "Now it's almost 4 and I have to meet Amy at 4. So you guys go on and have fun without me. I'll see you guys at the dance."

The boys left, happier and determined to have fun at the dance.

Shope also left, heading towards Amys house.

~Timeskip to Amys House~

Shope knocked on the door to Amys house. After about a minute, Amy opened the door and smiled brightly, "Hi Shope! Come on in!" Amy opened the door more to let Shope in. As Shope walked in, she looked around the house. Not too far from the door was a staircase. There was a doorway on the right side of the staircase and a hallway on the left.

Amy closed the door and grabbed Shopes arm, "Come on, I'll show you to my room!" With that, Amy dragged Shope up the stairs and into her room.

Amys friends were sitting by her bed painting each others nails. Shope didn't exactly know what to do, since she never really hung out with other girls before.

Amy grabbed Shopes hand and pulled her to the others, "so what should we do first? Your nails? Makeup? Hair?"

Shope became confused. But she went along with whatever Amy wanted to do.

~About an hour later ~

Shope looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe she was looking at herself. She looked at Amy, She almost couldn't tell it was Amy.

This dance is sure going to be something..., Shope thought.


Chapter two!

Sorry for the late chapter guys! I've got this story and another story to work on so I'm kinda working with both.

Update Schedule:

Monday-Thursday : Writing Chapters

Friday: SuperNoobs Story Update

Saturday: Voltron Story Update

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