CH. 5

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I can't believe this, the love of my life with an evil warlock. "Why are you here?" "Well hello, Niall." "How do you know my name?" "I know everything. And I know you love Andrea, which is why I must destroy you." "Look, do whatever you want to me, but leave Andrea alone!" "I am sorry, but I can't do that." He picks up Andrea and flys away. "NIALL, DON'T LOOK FOR ME I WILL BE FINE! GET SOFY!!!" I got scared then mad. I know I can't let that bastard take my love. I call Sofy as I try to run after Andrea. "Hello. Niall, what's wrong??" "He took Andrea." "Who did??" "The warlock dude." "You mean Scott??" "Sure, whatever. I don't care what his name is. He took Andrea. What do we do??" "Just keep following them I will be there ASAP." "Wait, how do you know I am following them??" "My powers let me see watever I want, whenever I want." "IS THAT HOW YOU BECAME AN A STRAIGHT STUDENT??" "Not important right now." I keep running but I lost them. "I'm here." My sister just popped up next to me. "Wow, I didn't know witches were that fast." "Well, witches aren't, I am." "How??" "Zayn is a vampire and I asked him to bite me so we could be together forever." "WAIT, YOU EAT HUMANS???" "No, just their blood." "Ok, is there anything else you want to tell me??" "Later." "You mean there's more??" "I'm kidding." I hate when she does that. "Just get on my back." "Umm, sofy I know I don't weigh much, but you're not that strong." "Niall, as a witch, and a vampire, I can cast spells on myslef. Like super strength, which I have." So I get on her back and almost instantly we are at a huge greenland, with huge trees. Sofy sets me down and whispers. "Their they are." "Where??" I have no idea how she can see them, all I see are trees. "They are at the top of the trees." She jumps from tree to tree, just like Rue from the hunger games. I hear a faint voice in the back of my head, "Stay there. It's a lot safer for Andrea if you're not seen." I look up and Sofy is pointing at herself . Which means she sent the 'message'. She goes up even higher. When she comes back, she carrying Andrea. "We have to get out of here, Scott will wake up soon." "What do you mean, Sofy??" "Well, I kinda bit him." "YOU BIT HIM??" "Well, I had to. Or he was gonna kill you and Andrea." "Well, as long as Andrea is safe I don't care what you had to do." Sofy tells me to carry Andrea, so I do. She lifts both of us and runs away. We get to Andrea's house super fast.


"Andrea, you have to move, or Scott will come back." "Where will I go?" "You can come on tour with me, Sofy and the boys." "Niall, I'm not sure my mom will let me." "You are 17 years old, she has to let start making your own desicions." "She won't let me, I am a hundred percent sure she won't." I have to think of something but I can't. And then Sofy asks her an amazing question. "Why don't I just adopt you??" "WHAT?? You can't adopt me your only 17." "No, babe I am 18. I look like if I were 17, because I was bitten at 17." "Then, lets get ths adoption started." I can't let this happen. "NOO!! If you adopt Andrea I won't be able to date her." "Then we have to get Louis to adopt you." We get back to the hotel, and look for Louis. "He is in his room, in the shower." Sofy stated. We run to his room. The door is locked, so Sofy kicks the door down. We go to the bathroom and yell at him to get out. He runs out "What's wrong???" "Will you please adopt Andrea??" "Ummmm...." "Please!!!!!!" "Ok, sure. I guess I can adopt you."


We get to the adoption center and get all the papers filled out. "Ok, all you need is to sign here, and I will need a signature from her current guardian." We go to Andrea's house and explain to her mom why we need to adopt Andrea. "Absolutly not. Mt daughter is staying here. I can protect her." Sofy has this way of convincing people. I am pretty sure it's a spell, but who cares Andrea's mom let us adopt her. "Thank you sooo much, Mrs. Andrea's mom." Well, this is perfect, my love is going to be with me all the time.

**authors note**

Guys, sorry my story is sooo sucky I am having writers block and this is all I can wirte for now. I love you guys <3 xoxoxoxoxo

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