CH. 7

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"Andrea, Andrea wake up."

I try to wake up Andrea but she won't wake up.

"Andrea, we need to talk, please wake up."

"Niall, what's wrong?"

"Andrea, I can't marry you."

"Niall what do you mean?"

"I can't marry you. I'm in love with someone else."


"You don't want to know.'

"Niall, tell me." Andrea says in tears

"Her name is Nicole. I love her, and I can't be with you."

"Niall, why did you propose to me, if you didn't love me?"

"Liam made me. I didn't want to. Andrea I'm sorry."

Andrea slaps me, and runs away crying.


"Andrea, please get out of the bathroom."

She has been there for hours. And suddenly, she opens the door. I hug her, and she kisses me.

"Andrea, what the hell, I have a girlfriend!?!?!'

"Zayn, just go with it."

She goes for another kiss, but i step back.

"Andrea, stop."

I walk away.


"Zayn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just, I feel so un-loved."

"Andrea, people love you, but playing with your own feelings wont help."

"I'm sorry."

"Andrea, just leave."

I leave, and go to my friends house, Sandy.

"Sandy, can I please live with you?"


I tell sandy the whole story and we both burst into tears.

"Andrea, I'm sorry to say this, but what you did was wrong. You can't just kiss people because you're hurt."

"I thought you would understand. Sandra, I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes you did, but I forgive you."

"Well, I don't forgive you."

I stormed out of there. I know what I did was wrong, but I am hurt, and I feel used.


Andrea has lived happily, and doesnt miss Niall, or One Direction. She is happy with her current boyfriend, Max. She still gets hate from fans, and it gets to her, but the worst part is she tries to hurt them back. She is a great person, but drama always seems to find her.

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