Chapter 1 - N0Ctrl Logging In

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I sat in a car, laptop screen glowing as I watched the events unfolding in a building just 30 metres to my right. Marcus, otherwise known as Retr0 to the Dedsec community, was gradually making his way past security guards to reach the mayor's computer deep within city hall. I flicked to each security camera watching his every move. Running a hand through my dark, brunette hair I let out a large yawn.

'Come on kid, jeez.'

Drumming my fingers lightly on the dashboard, a guard near the outside of the building suddenly caught my eye. Leaning forward, I tapped the keys on my laptop, zooming in on him. The screen on his phone was also tapped into the cameras and he'd spotted Marcus.

'Shit.' I murmured to myself, looking out of the dimly lit car window to the historical building. 'Well if there was a time to introduce myself it has to be now I guess.'

I stealthily crept out of the car door, sneaking through the bushes that kept it hidden from view. As I reached the side of the building, I squeezed my small stocky frame into the air vent and began to crawl through.

'Definitely time to cut down on the chips...' I grumbled, squeezing through the tight passageway. My hoodie rode up the side of my body and I took in a sharp breath as my bare skin grazed the cool, metallic interior. The light from my phone screen bounced around as I tracked Marcus' location. Following the twists and turns I could eventually hear commotion beneath me, reinforcements I assumed.

'Spread out and find that bastard!' I heard one of them bark. I hastened my crawling, trying to remain as quiet as possible, until I was right above Marcus. Peering through the grate, I saw him backing up against a dead end with his palms raised. An armed officer advanced on him, his gun outstretched.

'Man this better fucking work.' Slamming my foot down onto the grate, I fell down and landed deftly on my feet, drawing my taser gun. Before the guard could switch around I shot him in the shoulder. His body convulsed before easily collapsing to the floor. Moving my gaze, I saw Marcus reach for his thunder ball and shook my head, lowering my weapon.

'Dude I'm on your side!' My exclamation was clearly not convincing as he cocked his head, twirling the heavy ball in his hand and raised an eyebrow.

'Lady, who the fuck even are you?' Ignoring his question, I took two steps forward reaching for his arm. Instinctively, he jerked backwards.

'No way, I've got shit to do here, let me past.' He shoved me hard and I shoved him back.

'I'm not fucking around. We need to leave. Now.' Before he could interject again, heavy foot-steps thundered up the stairs. I swivelled around, lining up my shot as two guards rounded the corner. The gun in my hand gave a fizzing pop as I took them both out and turned back to him.

'You won't reach the laptop now, trust me.' Marcus seemed taken aback by my statement, his eyes studying me. Momentary silence hung in the air until he eventually sighed. 'Okay. Lead the way.'

I loaded up the map of the building onto my phone and scanned the area. Marcus' presence hung over my shoulder, intently studying the technology in my hand. Multiple small moving red dots indicated where the guards were and I tapped away busily.

'We're pretty much surrounded but if we can find a window...' I zoomed in a little further, scouring the screen. 'There. And it'll bring us out right by the car.'

I felt him leaning over my shoulder further.

'Did you design this?' It took a second for me to reply as I focussed on the small screen in my hand.

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