I Understand *Part 2*

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© All rights go to the writer of this story: ilyTIW

You open the door and see...Diggy. He looks a mess. His face has this permenant depressed look etched on it, he has deep dark circles around his eyes like hes gotten no sleep whatsoever, and his body language is slouchy showing that he is very unhappy right about now. 

You: Daniel...what are you doing here?

Diggy: Can I please come inside YN?

You: Um...sure.

You step aside and let him in and he immediantly walks straight into your living room. You walk in right behind him. He doesnt even bother to take a seat, instead you see him pacing back and forth.

You: So-

Diggy: Before you even say anything I just really need to get this off of my chest. YN I seriously and sincerely apologize for every kind of pain that I've caused you by not understanding where you were coming from. These last couple of days I've really been thinking and I understand now that I'm not always right. You know its hard for me to admit my wrongs and that's why I never wanted to admit them, because I would feel dumb and I thought you would think differently of me. 

You: Daniel I- 

Diggy: Wait. I'm not finished...But you've helped me to finally understand thats it's okay to be wrong and I appreciate you even more now, just for that alone. Nobody's perfect and no one person is always right. Our time apart has seriously helped me grow and mature, but it hasnt been easy. I've missed the hell out of you YN. I've missed your laugh, your smile, the way your nose wrinkles up at certain things that you dont like, your crazy facial expressions, and that sexy look you get when you're annoyed or upset. Long story short I've just missed you, all of you.

You: Wow. You've never expressed everything like this to me all at once and to say I'm speechless would be an understatement. Daniel, I'm so glad for the both of us that you have come to the realization of all of this, because if you didnt I was honestly going to bite your head off. *You both share a little laugh* But seriously though, I appreciate this moment right now. I feel like this time apart had to happen so we could fall right into place again. You know how you called and text me a million times...well when you stopped for awhile this afternoon I was feeling some type of way. Even though I didnt answer it still made me feel good that you didnt completely forget about me. For the record, I've missed the hell out of you too. Your bright smile, your cute deep laugh, the way you-

He cuts you off by kissing you passiontely. You both feel all of your emotions in the kiss. The lonliness of not speaking for so long, the forgiveness, but most importantly the happiness of finally being reunited and the security you both have for one another thats even stronger now.

You both stop the kiss at the same time to catch your breath.

You: And I've definitely missed that.

You both are cheesing so hard in each others faces.

Diggy: I love you YN. 

You: I love you too Daniel. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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