Chapter 2: Dusk

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I leaped and snaked through the crumbling hallways. My feet arched, trying to avoid the splinters of vases and mirrors. Pillars were tumbled down as daggers of glass covered the floor. Chandlers were smashed on the slick ground, their beautiful crystals cracked as quills of light burst out of them.

I crept into a long hallway, that was lined with doors leading to different wings and rooms. The doors were large and wooden, as the symbol of the person who slept there was painted in the center of it, but now every room was vacant, causing the inside of the castle to feel hollow.

Paintings of the past heroic Guardians were pasted on the walls, capturing them in battle, their faces grim and swords in hand. But unlike most paintings, these were drawn onto the borders of the hallway, making so it seemed you were walking through history. The scenes were blooming with action and color, from deep blues, to radiant gold. The people were life size, and look exactly like the person they were representing, funny thing was I knew each one of them.

My eyes darted between the doors to see which one was mine. It was dark and gloomy, the only light coming from the small star that hung from my neck. Once my eyes found the fourth door to the right, I saw my rune. I walked silently toward the door, doing my best not to make a sound, though I wasn't sure why due to the fact I was the only one here. When I was only a few feet away I stumbled over a candle holder, a shriek escaped me as I crashed to the floor. I felt a piece of glass slice through my hand. I have never been too graceful, nor careful even though that was something Guardians were suppose to be naturally. My palms stung, but other than that I appeared to be unharmed.

I cursed under my breath and pulled myself up off the floor. I held up my hand to exam the cut. Blood slipped from the opening in my skin, and trailed down my wrist.

"Delvea," I hissed at the candle stick, turning it to dust, and snapped it at the blade that cut me too. I let out an annoyed breath and walked into my room, feeling mighty stupid.


My bed was only a few feet from the door, pressed up against the wall to my left, a see through white curten falling from the top of it's wooden posts. The covers were aqua blue and made neatly, each corner tucked in properly and straightened out.  A long desk or bed stand had papers scattered all over it and a map of the night sky I watch over was pinned up above it. There was my trunk that rested at the feet  of my bed. I had all of my cloths inside, along wih a jewelry box which I kept bracelts and a anket  that Selena and Bianca made for me for my sixth Birthday. Right across from my bed was a small stand with a oval mirror. A tall vase of water sat on it, and a little bar of soap right by it.

A few candles blazed in the darkness, illuminating the area. I sat on the edge of my bed and tilted my hand slighty towards the light. I bit my lip then leaned over and open a drawer that rested by my bed. It was filled with miscellaneous from, quills to necklace beads. My fingers crawled around inside to find a roll of bandages I had stuffed in there a few days before. My fingers brushed over fabric then inched forwards to roll it towards me. I plucked it from the drawer and made sure to grab small tweezers as well. I studied the wound to find three tiny cubes of glass in the well of blood. The tips of the tweezers drilled in and clutched a segment. I flinced, as a small jolt of pain shot through me. I scooped out the glass, then wrapped my palm in bandages.

I folded my hair behind my ears, then stepped behind fabric panels (right by the doorway), that kept me hidden when I dressed. Again, I never knew why I changed in them because there wan't anyone to disturb me, but I guess I felt the need to make things as normal as possible. I yanked off my shirt and pants, and threw on one of my old brown, long sleeved shirts and thin black pants that stopped a little past my knees. I strectched a little and then walked out from behind the panels. I humed a song all of the Guardians use to sing every dusk,

"When the color fades and stars blaze I take my stand,

Bring light and joy into the atmoshere!

There shall never be darkness, never be fear,

As long as we rule the land of night, o the land of stars!


We are the Guardians, the protects, ah the warriors of the Heavens!"

I began to sing outloud, my voice sounding strange in the isolated silence. I danced around with an imaginary person, twirling and prancing around my room.

" We are the Guardians!" I cheered. I skipped in a circled my forearm in the air as if another's arm was there as well. I smiled as I then shifted my arms into a diaganal formation. Silver flakes began to rain down from my finger tips, like beads of light. I swirled around, creating a whirlpool of gems. I laughed and threw my hands up, and tossed the flakes everywhere. I remember dancing by Merek who would never judge me about being too small to join the eldest dancing. He'd swoop me up and spin me in the silver snow. I'd dance with him until every spark of energy was burnt, and I was often so exausted I'd fall asleep at the dinner table. When he finished eatting he'd cradle me in his arms and carry me to my room, even though when he picked me up I'd wake, but I pertended to be asleep just so I wouldn't have to move.

I smiled at the thought but then a prick of saddens touched my heart. My dancing slowed to a stop as my smile fell. I stood still in the center of my room, my mind feeling distand and my thoughts growing dark. The flakes fluttered into a circle around me, as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. You're okay. No need to get all upset over an old memory.

I turned around and blew out all the candles and crawled into bed. At first I laid awake, staring up at my golden ceiling my mind clouded with thoughts, and worries. The sun was due in an hour, so that would give me a while to sleep and perpare myself for the next section of night, but it felt too soon. I didn't want to pull myself out of bed and do nothing but play with magic and watch the sky, but that's what my job was. That's what I needed to do. I slid my halo off my head and placed it next to me.

" Happy Birthday Hazel." I whispered.

Then sleep pulled me into darkness.


Thanks so much for reading!Comment what you think!

Hehe okay

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