Sophie and her friends weren't really sure about where they where, but Sophie had a feeling that it had to do with the Neverseen. She knew one thing , they where anywhere except for the lost cities. "Maybe the forbidden cities?" Biana asked "But it looks too fairytale ish" Sophie pointed out " Ya ,since when do trees try to eat you, that's just messed up" Tam added "And super cool!" Keefe said earning him six dirty stares. "Seriously Keefe" Biana said. "Well you've got to admit-" " It really doesn't matter!" Sophie interrupted. "We need to know where we are" Linh said "But there's no one around" Dex added " We need to split up, I CALL FOSTER!" Keefe said. "No we can't do that! Has splitting up ever ended well?" Fitz answered " Well do you have a better idea genius?" Keefe smirked ... silence "So as I was saying, I CALL FOSTER!" " No! She needs to be with her cognate!" Fitz pressed. "Do you need to use that excuse for everything!?" Keefe asked... silence again "How abouuut Biana and Tam since their abilities are both creepy, and Dex, Fitz and Linh just because anndddd me and foster." Keefe suggested. Every one expected Sophie to deny but instead she said " Actually that could work! Tam could see if there's anyone there and Biana could hide both of them, Fitz could also track peoples thoughts to find people and Linh could protect both dex and Fitz since I'm pretty sure there's no machines around here" " And Sophie can protect me with her super crazy powers while I scream and run around like a banshee" Keefe added "And I'll make sure to listen to all of your thoughts to see if you guys are in trouble Okay?" Sophie added " Oh and don't forget-" "Okay we're leaving" Keefe dragged Sophie into the dark woods before she could say anything else.