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  Satsuki was found sitting on the same cemented chair, under the same cherry tree. Cherry petals were flowing with the help of the calm breeze. There was no change other than two major change, one it wasn't morning, it was dusk, sun was setting, giving orange effects on everything; and two Satsuki was appeared to be injured. Not much, she had a bandage on her right cheek and two of her hands at some point was bandaged. It couldn't be visible outside because she was wearing deep blue full-sleeved t-shirt and black pants. Since her left hand was covered up by the bandage till the wrist, so it only could be visible.

  Her right hand was throbbing with pain, yet she decided not to give any importance.

  "Hi!", it was so familiar cheery voice which she couldn't able to ignore. She looked up to see she after all thought of the right person. It was Sakura, the pink-haired lady.

  The raven female sit up properly to let the girl sit. As soon as Sakura sat the raven female said a bored 'hi'.

  "So did you say anything to him?" Sakura asked with a small smile on her lips. Satsuki looked at her in disbelief. Sakura chuckled.

  "I heard from Naruto what happened in the morning. He told me that you were going to break the curse mark. The way you brought him to the hospital, it was just-"

  "Yeah I was also shocked to see him like that, I really thought I killed him, rather than giving him his memory back." Satsuki stated, honestly.

  Sakura laughed. "Sasuke is more strong than you think!" In this, the raven female didn't make any comment.

  "So did you say to him?"

  "Say what?"

  "Don't play dumb, Satsuki!" Sakura clenched her fist, making the raven female sweatdropped. She then decided to give the honest answer, even though she didn't wanted to say, since the things weren't sure right then.

  "Yeah, I did." Satsuki sighed and stated, looking aside. "When?" Sakura couldn't help but be curious. Since the raven female didn't say anything in answer, the pinkette gasped. "Don't tell me you confessed the time you were breaking the curse mark!" Satsuki again didn't say anything in the answer.

  Sakura clasped her hands, her emerald green eyes were glistening in curiosity. "Did Sasuke give his answer at that moment?" Satsuki just nodded a little.

  "But it doesn't matter now though. I would hardly call it a confession first and second I intentionally said that during the time of breaking curse mark, so that he didn't remember anything about it. I truly wanted for him to have a happy family." Satsuki stated with all honesty. Sakura started to laugh, making Satsuki look at her in disbelief.

  "You are an idiot for thinking like that!" The pink-haired lady stated after she gained control over her laugh, "but that also proves how much you're in love with him."

  Satsuki looked at the girl. Sakura took a deep breathe. "He won't forget the confession you did. Since you said it by the time you were breaking the curse mark, that only meant he already started to remember memories about you bit by bit, and also, it was something his heart was longing for a while so he won't even forget, even if he tried to. It wouldn't make any difference if you said all those by the time he couldn't remember you, since he never forget the feelings towards you and in case of those times, his feelings are stronger than his mind. After all they say Uchihas can tresure love more than any other clan." Satsuki everted her eyes from Sakura and fixed on the ground, since she found observing the ground is more appealing than to look at the pink lady's face.

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