Graduation Day

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Chapter 1

"I now pronounce you graduates, Congratulations Batch 2017."

The entire coliseum was filled with applause as we threw our caps in the air. The past four years has been a whirlwind. I couldn't believe I've finished college and now I'm a step closer to reaching my dreams. My best friends come running and a second later I find myself almost falling over from their hugs.

"Chloe! I can't believe we're done with this hellhole called college. I can't wait to move back home and start working. I swear I'm gonna blow my first paycheck on traveling." Kira told me excitedly.

"Well, I'm certainly looking forward to your party tomorrow, Kira." Callie poked her. "You promised we'd all get drunk one last time before we start looking for jobs."

"I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem Callie, you're too much of a lightweight to even finish a bottle of beer. You'll probably pass out tomorrow and end up with a horrible hangover." I said and we all laughed.

"I'm gonna miss you girls. Here's to one last night of being reckless before we face the real world."


"So it's gonna be forever,

Or it's gonna go down in flames.

You can tell me when it's over,

If the high was worth the pain.

Gotta love these Starbucks lovers,

They'll tell you I'm insane

'Cause you know I love the players

And you love the game."

"Callie, I know you're pretty much overly drunk right now but get your lyrics right. Taylor's gonna get mad." Kira draped her arm over Callie's shoulder, chuckling.

"Oh come on, give her a break Kira." I told her. "You know how bad she is with lyrics. She never gets any song right sober or not."

"Whatever you guys!" Callie said, her words slurred. "I'm having fun and it's gonna be a long time until we have another night like this."


1 week later

"Batteries check!"

"Camera check!"

"Charger check!"

"Passport check!"

It's been a week since graduation and I've been busy packing my bags and last minute shopping. My parents decided to generously send me to a cruise. They know how much I wanted to travel on my own so they surprised me with this as their graduation present. I'll be traveling to seven countries for a total of eleven days. I can hardly wait!

I finally finished packing my bags after what felt like an eternity trying to zip my luggage up. I'm seriously so bad at packing because I literally take the whole house with me on my trips. I guess well see what I really need when I actually get there.

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