Two weeks ago

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~Third POV~

It was (Y/N)'s first day at U.A. High. She had been waiting for this moment since she first started watching heroes fight on her TV screen. She had just turned 15 and passed the entrance exams pretty easily. She could use her quirk on the robots that came along to challenge her. She was half way through the entrance exams when she had a fateful encounter.

~(Y/N) POV~

I raced around to find another robot when I heard explosions. I ran over to see what was happening and this ash haired boy was clearing the competition. I saw a robot come from around the corner and come to fight him. The robot chipped off a piece of a nearby building and started to fall towards the boy. I ran close to him and used my quirk to turn the piece of that building into ashes. The boy defeated the robot like it was a simple pebble. He looked at me pissed off.

"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" he said to me.

"Saving your ass that's what" I said like it was obvious.

"Tsk just fuck off okay? Or else you will be on the ground just like the robots" he said coldly.

I looked at him as if he was crazy, "whatever you say, just gets me more points," I smirked and waved goodbye as I walked off.

"I'm gonna beat her ass once I win this."

(Time skip to after the exam)

I stretched and started my walk back to my apartment when I heard yelling behind me. I turned around to see that same boy. He was yelling at a short green haired boy. I could make out most of their conversation. 

"ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL?!" the ash blonde haired boy yelled.

"n-no Kacchan... I-I wasn't trying to do a-anything...." the green haired one yelled.

'Hm.... so his name is Kacchan?'

"tch whatever. Have you seen a girl with (h/c) hair and wearing shorts and a tank top?" the boy I saved asked.

"y-yeah I think s-so..... w-why do you want to kno-"

"WHERE DID SHE GO?!" he yelled.

'Crap he is talking about me....' 

I climbed up a tree and watched as the green hair boy pointed my way and the ash blonde started to walk over to where I was hiding. I made sure to keep extremely silent as he walked right bellow me.

"Tsk now where?" He said to himself.

I looked at him and looked at a leaf and watched as it started to fall down. I went to grab it but my quirk activated and the leaf turned to ashes as it fell in front of him.

"What the..." he looked at the ashes and started to look up. 

I was frozen, like I couldn't move. I was telling myself to move but nothing came out of it. He spotted me and his expression imminently change from a soft look to a stern glare. I could feel my heart rate start up,whenever that would happen my quirk would activate so I shut my eyes hoping everything would be okay. 

"Oi! Shitty-eyes!" He yelled up to me.

I flinched but slowly opened my eyes, "I have a name you know" I stated.

"Whatever just get your ass down here," he said yanking at my sandal eventually pulling me down causing me to fall on my back.

"Ow!" I yelled at him.

The green haired boy ran over and managed to get the ash blonde to leave, "Sorry about him miss... Uh I'm Izuku Midoryiya, but you can call me Izuku, and he is Katsuki Bakugou."

"Nice to meet you Izuku, and its fine. I'm (F/N) (L/N) but you can call me Sunny." I said with a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you Sunny, heh sounds a like Sunshine!" he laughed.

I looked at him and my smile went away.

"A-Are you okay Sunny?? Did I say something offensive?" Izuku asked worried.

"hm? Oh! No No sorry, well Izuku I should probably get home. It's really late and its hard to navigate my way home when it gets dark." I said faking my smile.

"Oh yeah same here, well goodnight (Y/N)!" Izuku yelled walking away.

I walk away and get a flash back.

(Flash back)

"What do you think her quirk will be dear?" 

"I think our Sunshine will have your quirk honey."

"I get mommy's quirk!" six year old me cheered.

My mother's quirk was to generate light. It was so beautiful and most people with this quirk could easily find great work and earn a lot of money. That was the day before I got my quirk and fell into a life of eternal hell.

(the next day)

"M-mommy" the scared six year old said threw her tears.

Ash was everywhere. Her mother was able to put a cloth over her daughter's eyes. She couldn't see her parents scared and disappointed faces.

"Our beautiful daughter, HAS A QUIRK OF A VILLAIN! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO RAISE HER?? SHE CAN'T BE WITH IS!" her mother said

"M-Mommy..." The child said.

"It will all be okay sweetie.... just stay quiet." the mother said as she picked up her daughter and put her in an attic trying to kill her, "you were perfect but not anymore. Maybe we can fix you." She said closing the attic door.

The scared girl sobbed and tried to take off her blindfold but wasn't successful. She cried all night until she was set loose by a police man. He asked her many questions but all that came out of her mouth were sobs and tears.

(End of Flashback)

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