Chapter 1.1

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0.31: Seeing him again, was seven years later in a crowded supermarket, packed with weekend shoppers.

Zhao Mo Sheng was pushing a shopping cart alone and struggling to navigate in the crowd. She had just returned from abroad, so she was still not quite accustomed to such a crowd. However, such a vibrant and friendly scene made her unconsciously smile, virtually using a grateful mood to listen to the noisy local accent. She did not know whether other people who have just returned from aboard were like her? Excited, nervous.

Seven years! Such a long time!

However, how come she had just returned from aboard but already met him? No, to be precise, it should be them.

Mo Sheng silently looked at the pair of shadows standing in front of the vegetable stand, once again feeling a strange twist of fate. Seven years ago, it was them who made her decided to leave.

Now they were here to buy things together so ultimately they were also together! Fortunately, she ran away fast ah, otherwise she would probably hurt deeper.

He Yi Chen and He Yi Mei, she was so silly, why did she think having similar names were surely brother and sister ah?

"We are absolutely not brother and sister. Before, both of our families were very good neighbors. We all have the surname He so the adults just chose similar names. Later, Yi Chen's father and mother had an accident so our family adopted Yi Chen."

"You think you can compete and win over the two decades of deep affection between Yi Chen and me?"

"Today, I want to tell you, I love Yi Chen. I do not want to secretly love him. I want to compete openly with you."

2.03: That year when she was nineteen years old, the day before Mo Sheng's birthday, her good friend He Yi Mei, who had always been quiet and introverted, suddenly courageously made this declaration to her. Yi Mei, who had always been gentle and non-competitive would say something like that, she must have been extremely in love with Yi Chen.

But what could she have used to compete with her? On the same day which Yi Mei declared war, she had already lost. Then, she fled to the United States for seven years.

He Yi Chen – unexpectedly she recalled his ice-cold eyes on that day and heartless words. There was a trace of light throbbing pain in Mo Sheng's heart, almost impossible to sense, nevertheless it was there.

They were walking towards her direction. The joints of Mo Sheng's fingers that were gripping the cart began to turn white, and she almost wanted to turn around immediately. However, the supermarket was just too crowded so she, who was pushing a shopping cart, simply could not turn around. In the next moment, she thought why should she run away? She should calmly say to them: "Hi, long time no see" then stroll away in an elegant and natural demeanor, leaving behind a beautiful silhouette.

Moreover, they probably could not recognize her. She had changed a lot, the flowing long hair of yesteryear had already become neat and short, and her previously fair skin had become tanned under the California sunshine. Wearing a loose t-shirt, jeans and sports shoes, she looked very different from the past.

They slowly step by step were getting closer, then ......brushed past her.

Not without heartache.

It seemed like someone spoke.

"Do you want to buy some milk?" Yi Mei said in a soft voice.


She did not hear the reply clearly. She really missed Yi Chen's deep and low voice. All these years in a foreign country, she could still hear it often and everywhere echoed in her ears.

He Yi Sheng Xiao Mo / Silent SeparationWhere stories live. Discover now