Chapter 5

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0.31: For the next few days, Mo Sheng continuously traveled to take pictures so she did not hear anything more about the interview with Tao Yi Jing. She already spoke to Lao Bai to change jobs so she would not have anything to do with it anymore.

The shooting completed relatively smoothly that day. Thus, Mo Sheng returned to the office rather early. When she was washing her hands in the toilet, she was pulled aside by Ah Mei and several female colleagues to gossip.

"Ah Sheng, your elite men's interviews might not go ahead."


"Tao Yi Jing did not even get to meet her famous subject and was rejected immediately. She is made a laughing stock now. Initially, she talked with so much arrogance but is now humiliated." Ah Mei's tone sounded a little like she was rejoicing in other people's misfortune.

"Yes ah, I heard she called the law firm, but it was answered by his assistant, who gave the excuse that lawyer He is sick."

"Sick?" Initially, Mo Sheng was about to walk out, but when she heard this, she stopped walking, "Is it true?"

"It is certainly false. I saw him on a TV program yesterday."

Such program was usually recorded in advance. So was Yi Chen really sick?

She still felt uneasy while sitting in the office. Then, she laughed at herself. Zhao Mo Sheng, in what capacity can you show concern for him now? Mo Sheng ridiculed herself over and over.

"Ah Sheng, your call!" Lao Bai transferred the call to her, "This person seems to have called twice in the morning."

"Okay, I'll answer it." Mo Sheng picked up the phone: "Hello, how are you?"

"Are you Zhao Mo Sheng?" The gentle voice of a man echoed from the other end of the phone, "I am Xiang Heng."

1.37: She met with Xiang Heng in a cafe called 'Silent World' which is situated in the eastern side of the city.

After briefly greeting each other, Xiang Heng said: "It is not easy to look for you, but luckily Yi Chen mentioned you work as a photographer in a magazine publisher."

Seeing Mo Sheng looking at him with a stunned face, Xiang Heng smiled: "What kind of expression is that? Is it very strange for Yi Chen to mention you? Actually, Yi Chen did not say anything, but it was Lao Yuan, a middle-aged gossipy man. Hence, a bit of information was dug up......" For some reason, Xiang Heng became uncomfortable.

The waiter came and handed them the menu.

After ordering drinks, Xiang Heng started to talk about the main topic: "You probably feel very strange that I asked you to come out."

Indeed, very strange. Although Mo Sheng knew this elegant and polite man in front of her, he was not a close friend. For a very long time, her impression of him was just as "Yi Chen's roommate." She did not even remember his name clearly. Until one day, she followed people from his dormitory to eat hot pot. It was a must to bring a partner to the gathering. In the end, only Xiang Heng came alone. There was a person who teased him by saying: "Xiang Heng, even He Yi Chen is taken, how long do you want to remain single?"

Xiang Heng sighed and said: "It is easy for you to say, but where do I find a courageous and indomitable Zhao Mo Sheng to take me?" Xiang Heng glanced at Mo Sheng and said it in jest.

Unfortunately, Yi Chen made the situation worse by saying: "If you want, then I will give her to you so my life can be more quiet."

She was sitting beside him and felt sorry for herself. She did not even say anything, yet a disaster descended from heaven (unexpected adversity). This group of people was from the Faculty of Law, all of them infamous for their poisonous tongues.

He Yi Sheng Xiao Mo / Silent SeparationWhere stories live. Discover now