Chapter 7.2

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When he was seeing client, he did not bring his mobile phone along so there were two missed calls. One of the call was from another client. Yi Chen called back immediately, talked for a few minutes and hung up. There was another call...... he pressed the green call button.

The other side immediately answered the call. "Yi Chen."

"What is the matter?" His voice was a bit cold.

"Nothing." The other side seemed to be discouraged by his indifference, paused before saying, "Yi Chen, I cannot find my keys."

0.31: Mo Sheng had a bag on her shoulder and waited for him across the road. She wore a sweater with a big collar and her head was down, counting the grids on the ground.

The traffic light was red so he halted his footsteps and looked at her from a distance.

There were a lot of things that did not change. She still liked to wear sweaters. She was already about twenty six or twenty seven years old but still dressed like a student. When waiting for people, she still liked to count the number of grids on the ground.

At that time, he always made her wait.

Once, she waited for a long time and lost her temper at him: "I have already counted to nine hundred and ninety-nine, now you only come! Next time, if I count to a thousand, I will no longer bother about you!"

As a result, once again, he was asked to go to a meeting at the last minute. After the lengthy meeting finally finished, he rushed there. Unexpectedly, she was still there. This time, she waited until she no longer had any temper. She merely looked at him full of grievance and said: "Yi Chen, I have counted many nine hundred and ninety-nines."

In these seven years, how many times had he counted to nine hundred and ninety-nine?

It was not that he never thought about giving up, but he just could not make himself count to a thousand.

1.38: He hurriedly walked along the sidewalk and did not know when a chubby foreigner walked up to Mo Sheng, beaming and talking about something to her. Yi Chen slowed down his footsteps, slowly approached them and vaguely heard that foreigner said: "....... Your spoken English is perfect."

"Thanks, I've been living in the US for seven years."

She spoke very fluent English easily without much thinking, like it was her native language. Yi Chen unconsciously clenched his hand in his pocket.

Coincidentally, when she turned her head, she saw him and smiled at him. Then, she spoke to the foreigner: "My husband is coming. Maybe he knows how to go there."

She asked him: "Yi Chen, do you know how to get to XX road?"

He nodded and told the foreigner directly. That chubby foreigner kept thanking him before walking away.

Now, only the two of them remained so suddenly Mo Sheng felt hesitant as she did not know what to say to him. Hence, it was Yi Chen who spoke up: "Where are your keys?"

"Uh ...... I probably lost them." She lowered her head uneasily and avoided looking into his eyes, "or ...... I did not bring them with me this morning."

Yi Chen's sharp eyes looked at her unnatural expression, and he did now know what kind of feeling was slowly rising in his heart.

If he did not notice her guilty conscience, he was really wasted as a lawyer. Miss Zhao, if you committed any crime later, it would be best for you to remain silent or you would certainly reveal the whole truth in a few words.

"Come on." Suddenly, he took a step forward and walked in front, trying to suppress the secret happiness in his heart. She had called him "my husband" to the foreigner.

He Yi Sheng Xiao Mo / Silent SeparationWhere stories live. Discover now