Oh Catastophe/ The Fallout : Part 1 New Begginings

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(Alex's P.O.V.)

I heard my heart beat begin to block all of the noise like I was cursed, I must have been cursed. The situation I had gained awareness to had many things wrong with it. I was Running down a dark, humid hallway, but this was no normal darkness. Or maybe my hearing wasnt just the only thing failing me due to my abnormaly loud heart beat, maybe this darkness ad something to do with the fact that( my conscience switches to a more sarcasm filled tone) Oh, maybe my eyes are closed. But I then opened them to reviel much more terrifing surroundings. Next to me-on my right to be exact-was my boyfriend, Austin. My legs running by the power of my subconscience, I could not resist the taunting urge to turn around and see what we were running from. But as soon as I did I regreted it. For a large wave traveled behind us, a sense of impendening doom set in when I realized that the large mass of water was moving just as about as fast as we were running. The hallway was coming to a end but, it didnt just end... it had stairs, and pipes right above the drop. "I know I'm short but I can probably make the jump", I think to myself as I jumped. As I jumped non-exsistant memories of my life flashed before my eye, as I took what could have as eaisly been my last breath. And then came the flushing flood, brought forward by the wave that had terrorized us throughout our run through the hall a few seconds before. "I could only hope Austin was as lucky as I was to have noticed the pipes", I thought to myself. I feel like the hope that in my previous thoughts was partially fasle, as part of me felt that he deserved the death he would get if he missed the pipe. "He's abused me both emotionally and physically", the vengence seeking part of my conscience that detests him says. When we were together people who knew about it would often ask why I would go back even after he abused me, "I Love him", I would answer Dim-wittedly. How naive could I have been in that period of my life? While the other, more humane side of the thought comes across and says,"He too is human ,and like anyone else ,he deserves a chance at life even though he has done bad". I absolutley hate this part of my brain, it gives me the gratitude knowing that I subconscienly provided the thoughts for it but, sometimes I feel myself in the place of a small child when my subconscience gives it the logical veiw it has on things thus making my conscience veiw on things seem foolsish and ignorant by default. (Authors note:these thoughts actually went pretty fast in realtime)

I open my eyes dangling over a stairs. "Nope, he was'nt as lucky as I was.", I thought aloud in both a deep saddness and a derrandged sense of relief. I stop in the corner of the stairs where there is a mirror. I study my apperance as if I dont remeber what I look like ( which I dont, I admit to myself). I mentally describe my appearance to myself , which at this point was just something that closly resembled a human sponge. White shirt, black shorts, white glossy doc martins, gun hoilsters and garters( which some how reminded me of jake English)....I wonder why conidering I dont have any weapons on me... yet there was one detail that I hadent yet noticed, a guy...standing a good distance away, close enough to show he had some realation to me but he must have noticed my confused and scared expression because he returned me the favor of a cofussed look and slowley backed away.

"Im sorry I..." thats all he could say before I bolted down the remaining stairs. I grabbed the gun and large knife of the intable and threw them in the hollisters on either sides of my hips. This feeling...I..It feels....natural as if I do it all the time...is this the life that is mine but I know nothing about? With that question burning in the back of my mind someone tackles me as I run into the yard...

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