I'm the secret...

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Dave's POV

why jade? why? I thought to myself. How could she do that? Take advantage of me the way she did.  And Andy? He's been my bestfriend from the beggining but now he hates me. I never meant for any of this to happen. 

Third person POV of what has happened til this point.

Over the summer, Jade and Andy started dating and everyone knew except for Dave because he left before the summer started.  Because Dave left for vacation before everyone else,  he also came back before everyone else.  Jade was the only other person to come back eairly because Andy got in a skating accident and was in a comatose state for the majority of the summer and the first month and a half of school.  Dave ran into Jade at the hospital after he got the news of andy's accdent and consoled her which led to Jade kissing Dave. The two hit it off and as time went on Dave fell deeply in love with Jade.  All of the other FObeta's were confused as they remembered Jade being with Andy.  After Andy woke up Jade tried to keep her distance from Dave so that Andy wouldnt find out about him.  As time went on this grew harder as Dave's love turned to fustration as Jade had simply gravitated towards Andy and began to ignore him.  He still was unaware of the two's relationship.  He found Jade ehind thw school one day crying.  She and Andy had, had an argument.  Dave once again found himelf kissing Jade after consoling her but this time it was interuppted by none other than Andy, who had been looking for Jade. He appeared so heart broken.  He then broke up with jade on the spot and hasnt talked to Dave since.

yay back story!!! i will try to update every tuesdayand thursday if anyone cares!!!

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