Third Chapter

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Hi! New Chapter! Up there is what should look like Beat...
So last chapter ended badly... I can't say this one won't or will. Good lecture wonderful peoples!
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I woke up, sore! Everything hurted. So I got up, looked at the adorable wolfy wolf in the bed and went to the bathroom, took some painkillers and went through a whole make up artifice to cover my blue jaw, forehead, nose…

(Re watching an old JIBCON conference with Jensen and Misha too funny to write!!)

When I had finished I made breakfast for him… I’m not that much of a bitch to just go without doing anything. So yeah I left a note too. It wished him a good morning. I got my stuff and went back home. When I got back home I got a text from Nili.

Hey Meli! How you’re doing you weren’t at Balt’s party yesterday.

Hey! I’m great my mom needed help with her new house that’s all. And you’re alright?

I’m alright I guess.

Can you tell me what happened interesting at the party?



Ok OuO


So first, Gabriel got so drunk he went to the Winchester’s house with Sam and apparently he had a urge to have intercourse with him…

XD What a great start!

We now know that Dean’s crush is Cas.


Lili was so Happy!!! But Lisa was well… In a shocked period and then made out with a Mickeal.

Mickeal or Micheal?



Yeah right!

For you to know Mickeal is a kitsune but a really nerdy guy! I never thought he could ever make out with Lisa! I’ll have to talk with her.

Ok anything else?

Beat was here.


He literally talked about you the whole night, I think he likes you!


Do you have a crush on him?

I don’t know...Something else happened?

Well, let me think.
How could I forget that!
You probably saw the photo of Ethra with her wings.

Of course I did!

Well everybody started to show their magic. And then we literally all turned to Eric.


He smiled and vanished. But he came back a second later with three bottles of champagne...And a pie.

That’s quite funny but what the fuck is he!?

Well, that could be angel, demon or just anything that can teleport power. Imagine if he was the fifth archangel!

That would mean hell for us.

I’ll have to ask Lucifer cause Gabe is at Sam’s and Micheal is nowhere to be found.

What about Raphael?

I don’t trust him…

Nobody does XD!

Yeah, I have to go to class, talk to you later!


Nobody trust Raphael cause when we were in high school he would be a huge jock! But not the kind of Dean that just pushed you once in your locker except when you would interested him. No Raphael was a lonely douche who would use his grace to make you suffer and you would suffer for the whole time you were there! A guy called James had been bullied by him and he went to the hospital had amnesia and changed high-school! But no one can say anything to him because he's the son of God and bla bla bla...

I then looked at the time, and realized: OH SHIT! I had to go to class too. French to be more precise. I ran and HELL YEAH I wasn’t late, actually I was early. I was wearing the headphones that my dad had bought me long ago. It was old and purple. Music distracting me from anything else. And I saw a little Eric,actually little is false this guy is really tall, on the ground his back glued to the wall outside the class with his headphone on watching some kind of show. Pretty sure it’s Doctor who... “Hey!” I yelled, he took of his headphone and replied “You didn’t had to yell I knew you were there.” “Sure! So Nili told me you vanished yesterday” “Yeah everybody was showing their powers why shouldn’t I?” I sighed. And reminded myself something “Isn’t it supposed to be a test today.” “Yup” “SHIT!” “You didn’t study?” he laughed “No bet you didn’t either!” “Of course cause I don’t need it” Oh yeah forgot to say. Eric is french? Well his accent doesn’t looks like it but yeah he is french. “Could you help me! If remember correctly it was something easy?” “Yeah if doing a full presentation of all your friends is easy for you I guess so” he was being really sarcastic as always. And smiling, he was making fun of me. “Could you at least help me…” “What do you want help with?” “I don’t know describe someone to me in french!” “Who?” “I don’t know… Nili?” I swear I saw a tint of blush on his cheeks. “Ok.” he got up and looked straight in my eyes “Personality or out look?” “Personality!” “Nili est quelqu’un d’adorable, pleine de joie de vivre. Elle est très douce, fondamentalement gentille et très sociable bien qu’un peu colérique ou jalouse sur les bords.” I was dumb found. “Can you translate?” he chuckled “Sure, so what I said is ‘Nili is someone adorable, full of joy of living. She’s really sweet, fundamentally nice and really sociable even though she can be kinda choleric and jealous on the edges.” I smiled “You really think that of Nili?” “Well yeah. She’s cute.”. Before I could answer people started to arrive and the teacher made us go inside. I was on the front and Eric in the back I couldn't talk to someone great! The teacher, Mr.Ijiso,started to ramble about how important the test was. And soon we started the test. I surely failed it…. But I couldn’t care less now that I know Eric thinks Nili is cute. After the test, the Teacher told us that the principal, God, yeah big thing, wanted everybody in the Batiment C.

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