i just..

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sometimes, i wanna be someone else. someone, my little me wanted me to be.
sometimes, i wanna throw out all my stuff and breathe the emptyness.
sometimes, i wanna scream to all my friends and my family how important and cute they are, but after a few seconds, the excitement is just gone and i feel strange, even if i told someone how much i love them, and even if i know they are happy to hear stuff like that from me, its feeling uncomfortable.
sometimes, i am not sure if i am the person i want to be, or if i'm just a stereotype of a good person, tries to do their best.
sometimes, i wanna change my style and my kind of being, but stops thinking about it, because my friends like me now, and i cant imagine if they would be friends with me if i'm suddenly a different person. sometimes, i wanna stop thinking. i wanna start doing. and so do you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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