That Sinking Feeling

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The sunlight reflected off my surfboard one Saturday afternoon. I was excited, I was ready to surf. But then again, there was talk about a storm. And that worried me, but now? I didn't care. Nobody had confirmed the storm exactly, so I would just have to take my chances.

I heard an engine revving and stepped to the side when I saw a motorcycle kicking up beach sand. Not to my surprise it was my brother, Butchy controlling it. He chained it to a pole and walked over to me.

"Hey, Butch!" I greeted with a smile, "What are you doin' here?"

"Came to watch you's surf. Why else?"

I shrugged, "You just never come near the water, that's all."

"Hey, I can come when's I feels like it." He bit his lip as he looked out to the water, " a respectable distance."

I laughed, "Alright. Watch what I'm gonna do, then."

She dove into the water with her board, the water soaking her hair within a mere second. Her brother whooped as he watched his sister shred it up.

But no sooner had she gotten on her board had she fallen off. The storm crashing, she sank downward and hit her head, completely unaware to what was about to come.

A/N: Sorry that it's so short! I had trouble writing this chapter TBH, so let's just call this an "Introduction Chapter." Hope you enjoy it!

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