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"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" Was what I woke up to the next morning.

Aspen had fallen asleep in the car before I got the chance to ask her where she lived.

Which left me no choice other than to bring her back to my apartment.

Which I was now thinking was not a good idea.

I just had to keep telling myself that bringing her here was my only option. I couldn't just leave her in the street, and I had no idea where she lived.

And I had learnt the hard way that waking up someone who's drunk never ends well.

Sighing to myself, I made my way to the spare bedroom where Aspen was shouting from. Opening the door, I peered my head round to find a confused and outraged face staring back at me.

"Morning," I greeted her, leaning on the doorframe as I folded my arms.

"Care to explain why I'm in what I assume to be your house?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"You fell asleep before I got the chance to ask where you lived. Plus, we've got a bet to keep," I smirked. She gave me a puzzled look, and I assumed she was trying to remember what happened.

"Oh shit," She mumbled with a face of realisation. "Ohh shit," Putting her hand on her forehead, she slowly turned to look at me.

"Well?" I asked, wondering what she remembered.

"What the fuck did I do?" She questioned with a hint of regret and doubt in her voice.

"Not much, really. Except..." I began, but was cut off by Aspen.

"Except... "Let's make a bet not to fall in love with each other. But we gotta spend nearly every day with each other... until one of us breaks..."" She quoted. "Shit. Ace, we're fuckin' idiots," She mumbled.

"You were up for the idea last night. Granted, you were drunk, but..." I paused to see her staring at me, giving me a look that could kill. "Come on, it'll be fun," I insisted.

Sighing, she ran her hand through her hair. "Fine. Fine," She said, finally giving in.

I only smiled at her as I turned on my heel back towards my own bedroom.

"You just gonna leave me here?" Aspen called after me as I got an old T-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms out of my wardrobe. I made my way back to the spare room to find Aspen still staring towards the doorway.

"Here," I said as I tossed the clothes to her. "Put these on."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled as she rolled out of the bed.

"Bathroom's down the hall and to the right, by the way," I smiled, as I turned on my heel and headed towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Aspen appeared in the kitchen doorway, her hair now up in a messy bun and last night's makeup was now washed off. She had put on the clothes I'd given her, and had her clothes in her hand.

"Can we go back to mine? I need a shower," She asked sleepily. "These clothes are comfy and all, but..." She gestured her hands around the T-shirt and jogging bottoms. "A little big."

"I can tell," I laughed. Her small frame was almost hidden under my clothes, and the trousers were underneath her feet. The T-shirt went well below her butt. "How tall are you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as I leaned against the counter, holding my coffee.

She sighed, rolling her eyes and laughing before answering, "Five foot two."

"Well I'm six foot three. That's quite a difference," I chuckled.

"You're literally a whole foot taller than me," She laughed, shaking her head. "Can I steal some coffee before we go back to mine?" Aspen asked, walking towards me. "I don't function properly without it,"

"Sure, but only because I relate to that," I laughed. "That, and I don't want to know what happens if you don't have any coffee," I said, smirking. She laughed and walked closer.

"Well?" She asked.

"What?" I replied, unsure of what she meant.

"Coffee, you idiot," She laughed. "I only just managed to find your kitchen. I have absolutely no idea where you keep anything, so..." She trailed off, as if expecting me to finish her sentence.

"Oh. Right. I'll do it now," I said, turning around to face the cupboards. Taking a deep breath, I began making the coffee, ignoring the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"How do you have it?" I asked, still not facing Aspen.

"Black, one sugar," She responded quietly, as if not really paying attention.

A minute or two later, I handed her the coffee as I finished off my own.

"So," She said as she sipped her coffee.

"So," I repeated.

"What are we gonna do after I'm changed and shit?" She asked, her face hiding behind the coffee mug.

"Whatever the fuck you like," I said, smiling at her. "Drink up."

As Aspen drank her coffee, I went into my bedroom to get changed.

I left the kitchen smiling to myself, wondering why she made me feel like that.

I'd only just met her.

I got dressed, and returned to the kitchen to Aspen. She'd finished her coffee and was just stood there, staring at me and smiling.

It was as if she was just smiling at the doorway, waiting for me to walk through.

I couldn't understand why I felt so comfortable with this girl.

The girl I'd known for less than twenty-four hours.

The girl who was stood in my kitchen in my T-shirt and my jogging bottoms.

The girl I'd brought back to my apartment because she fell asleep before I found out where she lived.

The girl who I'd carried to my spare room and taken the shoes off of after putting her in the bed.

The girl who, for some reason, intrigued me more than anyone I'd met in years.

The girl who I barely knew.

The girl who I only knew the name of.

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