Teddy bears get wrecked

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Hermione slowly awoke after the best night of her life . Draco may have kissed her so hungrily to begin with but it drifted into a slow , sensual kiss .They had made love and she had only just begun to realise it . Draco slowly stirred and for some unknown reason she became scared to talk about this subject with him

"Hey Mia .... what's wrong?" he asked with a yawn , seeing her nervous face .

" Oh nothing , but have you realised what we did last night ?" she asked softly , blushing furiously .

" Yeah. We showed our love in the best possible way . is that a big deal or something?" he asked " you know , for a girl?" He then added .

" Well , it wasn't just an average shag , of course it's a big deal!" she exclaimed

" 1) with us it will never be an average shag " he winked " and 2) so what , we've already said we love each other , last night just solidified that " he replied as he turned on his side to face her .

She blushed again when he said this and shuffled closer to him to rest her head on his shoulder .

" I love you so much dray " she whispered before she kissed his chest gently .

" I love you too Mia " he replied, kissing her forehead .

Suddenly there was a nock at the door and they jumped slightly .

"It's open!" Hermione called to whoever was on the other side of the door .

" Oh my god 'mione! last night was the best of my life! and it's all thanks to you ! " Ginny exclaimed excitedly jumping on their bed .

" No problem Ginny . so you all good now ?" the brunette replied with a small smile .

" Definitely , but I think there's just one more thing we need to do . " She stated happily .

"Oh the cheering teddies , yeah we need to show the boys them. " She said with a smirk .

" And what exactly are the cheering teddies ?" Draco asked confusedly .

" You'll see dray , don't worry " Hermione replied with a smirk .

15 minutes later .....

" Blaise ! get your fine arse in here!" Ginny called to the other room .

" What , where's the fire? " he asked softly , running in with just his bottom half covered .

" 'Mione bring them into the living room while I explain them to slytherin butt over here " Ginny stated before she dragged Blaise into the living area .

" Come on babe we better get up " Hermione stated as she leaned up for a quick kiss .

Draco quickly pushed her down again and kissed her back .

" Hurry up you two!" they heard Ginny call .

" 5 more minutes ! " Draco replied before he kissed her lips again.

She shifted underneath him and returned the kiss , moaning as he traced his hands up and down her body. she then pulled away and looked up at him smiling kindly.

" come on we dont want ginny to walk in on us " she winked " we'll finish off after, so get some boxers on and ill meat you lot in there in 5 okay?" she asked, tracing a small pattern on his chest with her index finger.

"okay" he groaned as he stood and pulled his boxers on.

He walked out of the room and she hopped out of bed quickly . SHe went to her drawers and picke out underwear(green of course) and some short pyjamas before entering her closet and pulling out two large teddy bears.

"so basically when 'mione first saw her crush with someone else - not gonna say who that crush is - she was crying alot , bearing in mind this was fourth year but basically we got these teddy bears and 'mione charmed them to fight and repair them selves when the fights over so we called them the cheering teddies and we make bets , mine is the blue and 'miones is the green" ginny explained as hermione moved the coffee table and sat down on draco's lap after placing the teddies sitting down and facing each other.

"okay so how much are we betting this time gin?" hermione asked , giddy to see the bears fight.

"10 galleons?" the redhead asked with a smirk.

" sure" she replied before she pulled out her wand and activated tr charm.

The bears suddenly blinked and stood in a stance , preparing to fight in every style of fighting there was.

The two pairs cheered as the teddies fought and Hermione ended up doing a little dance and earning 10 galleons for winning as her teddy reigned supreme.

" see gin ive always said that my teddy is the boss " she stated giddy with a huge smile on her face.

" yeah yeah whatever, ill beat you one day, i did the first time we played and i will again. " the redhead stated as she picked up the now repaired teddies.

"okay , 1) that was awesome and 2) if we ever have kids keep those teddies away from them" draco stated with a smirk on his face.

" oh dont worry, they arent brought out unless someones unhappy and that dorsnt happen often so well be fine" hermione replied, mockingly tapping his cheek with a look that one would use on a five year old.

" oh bugger off mia. you know what i mean" he replied as he flopped back on his chair.

" awe is drakiepoo scared of the itty bitty teddies?" blaise stated as he and ginny burst out laughing.

Draco went bright red and Hermione tried to hide her laughter behind her hand but failed miserably.

" its okay dray"she chuckled" the teddies wont hurt you" she giggled.

" oh shut up" he groaned before he pulled her onto his lap and tickled her ribs.

she squealed and he held on tighter tickling her mercilessly.

"okay! okay! i give in! she shouted finally getting out of his grasp.

" okay well we better get going, im taking freckles on a date" blaise stated with a smirk.

" hey, stop calling me freckles!" ginny exclaimed with a grin.

" hey! there she is!" blaise stated happily.

" youre such a slytherin." ginny stated as she crossed her arms.

" but you love it" blaise replied pulling her into the bedroom.

" well we did good " hermione stated as she say back down.

" yep, now come on lets get dressed and put those teddies away"dravo replied as  they both stood.

So both pairs walked into their seperate  rooms and changed preparing for a busy day.

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