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Y/n pov:

???:y/n? Y/n!

Satele snaped her fingers infront of your face to get your attention.


She slightly giggled at your confusion.

Satele:your getting way to into that book.

Y/n:well...its good for knowledge!


The next 5 days with satele went better than expected, in fact they went great! You two where a good team practiceing and studying together, something your master took notice to. Because of this he made both of you stay even longer in the temple togethor still, you two got along great and soon became extreamly close. But finally it was time to board the space station orbiting koraban satele had a different master named kao cen darach. You both had been at the station for a very long time, longer than you or your master thought. Speaking of wich you had gotten much better over the past time you spent on the station even though you had your small fights here and there you still respected zen as your master. But nonetheless you still loved spending time with satele, she did to. Before you could say anything to her your communicator went off, when you anserd it was master zen.

Y/n:master? What is it?

Zen:we've scanned a ship containing sith artifacts, get down here quickly!

Y/n:what? Alright were on our way.

You hung up and looked at satele.

Satele:already herd it, lets go!

You nodded before both of you ran out to the hanger.


You countenued walking behind the smuggler and the two gaurds that were watching him along with master zen. Even though there was no threat master zen grasped his head.

Y/n:master? Are you alright?

Zen:im fine...go on without me i need to think for a moment.

You nodded before cathing up with the group.

Nico:im telling ya! I had no idea what was in those shipments!

Kao:you were smuggling sith artifacts captin...

Nico:fine keep the artifacts, just give me back my ship!

One of the ships crew passed by gaining nicos attention.

Trooper:eyes front.

He shoved nico foward forcing him to look straight.

Nico:just inspecting the tropps corpral...

Just like master zen satele grasped her head.

Kao:satele whats wrong?

Satele:i sense...a great darkness.

Right on cue, a fleet of empirial ships appeared out of hyperspace and fired on the station.

Kao:the sith empire has returned!

Y/n:i need to go find master zen!

Satele:no! He'll be fine, your safer with us.


Kao:shes right, and theres no time to argue.

You sighed but still agreed.

Zao:we must warn the republic!

Trooper:our shuttles cant outrun those fighters.

Nico:*ahem* well...guess whos got the fastest ship in the sector.


You ran through the hall way deflecting blaster shots with your duel sabers, when you finally reached the door you looked to you looked around for nicos ship but only stared in horrer as you saw your master.



You ran up to him lifting him up as he took his last breath.


Run? Run from what?


You looked up to see two sith towering above you.

???:he was quiet pathetic, but im sure you might be a challange.

The other one smirked.

???:i doubt it master.

You drew your sabers and started to slash at both sith.

Satele pov:

Zao:captin prep your ship, this is our fight.

Nico nodded before he and the remaining trooper ran to his ship.

Satele watched as you managed to just barly hold off the sith until she and her master arrived, when tbey did the real fight started. You and satele took on the gray looking one while zao took on the masked figure, it ended in you disarming the sith and slamming him to the ground, once you did you saw the ship slowly starting to take off amd the masked figure getting shot by cannon fire. Before you could react zao walked up to the both of you.

Trooper:common!!! both must walk a different path.

You and satele hesitated but knew there was no point in argueing and ran towards the ship, but before you both reached it You screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Satele turned around and saw the sith ready to kill y/n.

Y/ me.

She was both terrified and panicing but still did her best to hide it, she must have done a bad job though because the sith started to smirk. Out of pure panic she ran towards the ship and jumped on just in time leaveing y/n for dead.

Trooper:wheres the other one?

Satele finally relised what she'd done and her eyes went wide.

Satele:we have to go back!!

Nico:no way! We go back we all due!on those guns now!!!


Trooper:im...sorry, he seemed like he would've made a great jedi.

Satele felt a few tears go down her cheek, what had she done? She could have easily saved him! But she panicked and was a coward and knew that this would haunt her for a very long time...

Y/n pov:

???:welcome home...

Was the last thing you herd before you saw the gray man strike down his master, after he did he walked over to you and smirked. You werent paying attention to that, no...all of your rage was on satele. She could have saved you but she used you! Used you to get away used you for getting better! She was never your frend! Never!!!

Y/n:piss off might as well kill me now.

Out of desperation you chanalled your anger and hate then used force lightning on the sith but he simply blocked it and sent it back to you sending you flying back. Still he walked up to and smirked.

???:i am dark malgus, and i see your true potential and power in the no i will not kill you apprentice.

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