Harry Potter

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*dedicated to Harry Potter*

Chapter 7: Harry

Guilt burns with an unforgettable pain. I shouldn't have let Hermione jump in front of me. Or gave Ginny and our relationship a second chance. I sigh, clutching Hermione's hand.

This is her fourth day in the clinic with minor if any sign of recovery.

For the first time, I've noticed her true beauty. Maybe it took her almost dying to notice. Or maybe I was just scared to feel what I felt. Her rosy cheeks, her tangled chestnut hair, her lashes glossy against her eyes. Her eyes that I so desire to see. How her gentle brown eyes lit up whenever she read or passed her exams. The tiny almost invisible speckles of golden in her orbs. She sick and on the verge of dying but I've never seen anyone mor stunning.

"Mione, pleas-" I stuttered, my voice failing me "Please, you have to wake up." I squeeze her hand, as if that would somehow force the life back into her. "I need you, you need to wake up for me. Please, Hermione, don't leave me." I rest my head on the edge of her bed, trembling.

"Mate, can I talk to you?" I hear Ron's voice and instantly a burning rage lights a fuse inside me. He did this to her. It's his fault she's not waking up.

"Get out, before I kill you." I growl, turning yo face him. "Don't tempt me."

"Look, I'm sorry. I really am." Ron replies gruffly, refusing to move. "I miss you, your my best mate."

"You treated her like a pile of shit. You objectified her. Ron, she's not something to be won, now get out, I can't bear to look at you." My voice tight, as I run my hand through my hair

Ron's eyes lower, pooling with sadness. He turns to leave, "Tell her I'm sorry if she wakes. And mate, you should really eat something, you look worse than when you were with the Dursley's." Ron jokes before it falls flat as he looks at my scowl.

~2 weeks later~

"Mr. Potter, we may have a breakthrough." Madam Pomfrey shakes me awake

"What is?" I gulped, praying to Merlin it's good news

"She seems to be waking up, slowly. Her injuries seem to have miraculously healed somehow over night. Her condition is still weak but I believe she'll be awake within an hour." Pomfrey explained quietly

I almost shout in join. Madam Pomfrey's words barely left her lips before I bolted up running to the hospital wing in hopes of seeing Hermione awaken.

Note: Unedited, this isn't my best work but anyhow Happy 38th birthday to Harry Potter for making my childhood magical :))

Word count: 455

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