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Jihoon blinked once, twice, but the surroundings didn't seem familiar. In fact, the writings above the local restaurants and coffee shops weren't in neither English nor Korean. For all Jihoon could think in that crazy moment was that he seemed to be in Vietnam. 

Someone walked past him and nudged him, only for him to realized that yes; it was real.

He wasn't home by Mingyu's side and...

Oh God, Mingyu.

Jihoon's breathing quickened as he stumbled to a nearby shop. A clerk was there and he was hoping she knew English enough to tell him where he was.

She smiled brightly at Jihoon and welcomed him in a few words that were alien to him. 

"What is this place? Where-" Her eyebrows furrowed as Jihoon spoke in Korean, not understanding a single word. He wracked his head to form a coherent sentence in English. She remained confused and Jihoon only grew more agitated.

Just as she opened her mouth to say, Jihoon's vision turned black.

As he came to  he panicked, all the fear and anxiety washing over him enough for his breathing to stop.

"Jihoon! Jihoon wake up!" Mingyu's voice echoed through the darkness and Jihoon tried to follow it, he tried to find the strength and will to open his eyes but they felt like lead to him.

"...gyu." Jihoon whined, fighting the fear of being alone and left abandoned somewhere in the world. He had a feeling he was crying - actually he knew he was. There was no way he could fight the fear head-on, he wasn't like Mingyu. He wasn't brave like his mate; he was exactly the opposite.

"Jihoon, baby, wake up, please! Please!" Oh, now it sounded like Mingyu was crying too. 

No. Don't cry Mingyu. 

Jihoon reached out and his hand was greeted by a wet cheek. Jihoon's vision returned slowly and he felt happy that Mingyu's face was the first thing he'd seen. Jihoon whispered his name while staring into his tear-filled eyes and Mingyu sobbed loudly as he cradled the smaller boy against his chest.

"Sorry." Jihoon muttered, feeling guilty for those warm tears on Mingyu's cheeks. 

"What happened, Jihoon?" Mingyu asked, his voice shaky and he still couldn't let go of him.

Jihoon closed his eyes, albeit hesitatingly. He held tightly onto the back of Mingyu's shirt when his vision became black again.

"Nightmare." Jihoon whispered.

"Just that? Are you sure it wasn't something else?" Mingyu moved back to look at him but his grip remained strong around the cat. "You sure it wasn't something more?"

Jihoon shook his head while moving closer to sniff at Mingyu's neck where his mate's scent was strongest. 

And Mingyu didn't hesitate to let him, it was instinctual to let his mate in, to let him close.

But he couldn't shake off the scary feeling that woke him up. The worst things came to his mind when he felt coldness and emptiness seep into the bond and he had reflexively reached out to find Jihoon. 

Jihoon was dead.


Jeonghan twisted the blade inside the demon's chest and watched as life left the creature's eyes. He glanced at Joshua who walked and stopped next to him but his attention was stolen by a few more lives being taken by their brothers and sisters. 

That Fire In Your Eyes | Cat Jihoon& Vampire MingyuWhere stories live. Discover now