13. Pancakes and Coffee

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(F/N) pov
I had woken up to an empty bed this morning, Valerian had told me yesterday that he would be having breakfast with the Emperor this morning so I decided to get up and make myself some food.

I walked into the small kitchen in the hut and scouted the cupboards for food. I found some Pancake mix and immediately turned on the stove.

While mixing the ingredients in a big bowl I found in the cupboard, I sang a Twenty Øne Piløts song and pretended as if the table was a drum kit and my fingers were the drum sticks.

(I felt the need to mention TØP in here somewhere even tho this takes place in the future 😂🙈)

Once I was finished mixing I placed a bit of the pancake mixture onto the pan and swirled it so it covered the whole base.

After a while I had a pile of beautiful delicious pancakes on a plate. I made myself a cup of coffee and quickly went upstairs to the bedroom to fetch my art supplies that Valerian had gotten me a few days ago.

With my hair in a messy bun, I was wearing short grey shorts and a cute matching tank top. I headed down the stairs with my art kit tucked under my arm. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my cup of coffee and plate of pancakes eager to start munching.

I sat down on a bench outside and place my things next to me taking a few bites of my first pancake. I then grabbed my sketch book and pencils and started to sketch my view of the ocean.

Half way through my plate of pancakes I could hear footsteps coming around the hut. When I looked up to see who it was, there was a gentle kiss planted on my cheek.

"Morning Princess"

"Morning Major" I greeted then kissed him on the lips. Valerian wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up deepening our kiss.

After a minute he broke away and smiled down at me. His eyes grew hungry for more. "What?" I asked.

"I'm starting to like that I got you new clothes" he said with a smirk, grabbing my ass and pulling me closer against him. My cheeks flushed a shade of red and I was speechless at his actions.

He just chuckled and pulled away. Reaching down for my sketchbook he said "Let's see what you've been working on"

Valerian held my sketchbook up and straight in front of him. Then he turned to face the sea to look at the resemblance.

I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his back. "What do you think?"

"I looks frame worthy" I giggled at his little joke and he chuckled hearing me laugh.

"Better than the first one?" I asked still hugging him.

"Much better Princess. I think I might have to create a wall of fame for all your artwork" I giggled more. Valerian seemed to be in quite a happy mood suddenly.

He placed my sketchbook back down on the bench and turned to face me, wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me in for a hug, I found it odd how long it lasted.

"Why such a long hug?" I questioned

"What? Can I not hug you Princess?" He replied exaggerating his speech.

"No, you can, I was just-" he cut me off.

"Fine I won't hug you!" He turned his back to me and took a few steps forward jokingly throwing a tantrum.

I quickly caught up and stepped in front of him, stopping him from walking any further. "No" I said simply and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Good Princess" he embraced me in his arms and placed a kiss on my lips and I could feel his smile.

Thanks for reading. Please check out my other stories. Vote and comment/message me ideas. And have a magical day🌈

Shanna Tiffin

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