"Nice to meet you"

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   "Hi, how can I help you?"
   "Oh, here I only need the the shirts and the other you can just keep."
   "Alright, what's you're name?"
   I looked up at him and I could see sadness and hurt in his eyes.
   "Jefferson. What's yours?"
   "Winter. Um...when do you need these finished?"
   "Just when ever you get them done."
   "Alright, I'll charge after I'm done. It was nice to meet you, Jefferson."
   "Same, Winter."
   He left. He seemed so familiar and when I to figure out why I get a horrible headache. I probably seen him around town.
   I finished half of the orders and repairs when I noticed it was time to meet Henry and Paige at the bus stop. I rushed out and got there in time. The bus arrived and the two kids rushed up and hugged me.
   "Hey, kiddos. How was school?"
   "Good," they both replied.
   "Oh! Winnie I was somethings for you," Paige said.
   "Ok, show me when we go to the store but first let's get some hot chocolates and cookies."
   They smiled and grabbed my hand. We went to Granny's and grabbed them to go. We entered my store and I layed the cookies and my hot chocolate on the table.
   "Ok. What do you have for me?"
   "Close your eyes first and no peeking."
  "Ok, I won't."
  I closed my eyes and held my hands out. I felt something cold and beaded.
   "Ok. Open."
  When I did I saw a beautiful necklace.

"  When I did I saw a beautiful necklace

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   "I love it, thank you. Did you make this?"
   "Yes and here's the other thing."
   It was an invitation to a tea party.
   "I'll go."
   "Ok. Henry anything you want to talk about?"
   "After you close up shop."

   I locked up shop and Paige's parents came and grabbed her. Now Henry, Emma, and I are sitting at "his" castle.
   "Ok what did you wanted to tell me?"
   "About operation cobra."
   "What is that?"
   "First, everyone here is a fairytale character but they don't remember because the evil queen casted a curse and sent them here."
   "Ok, whose who?", I went along.
   "Regina is the evil queen."
   "That makes sense", I interrupted.
   "Mary Margaret is Snow White, your dad is Rumplestiltskin, Dr. Hopper is Jimminy Cricket."
   "Who is Emma and I?"
   "Obviously your Naviana and mom is the daughter of Snow White and Charming, she's also the savior who is going to break this curse."
   "Why am I obviously Naviana?"
   "Because of your hair, name, and your Mr. Gold's daughter."
   "But I thought she had red hair?"
   "She had your colored hair before Rumplestiltskin changed it to red. Since he used magic on your hair when the cursed came it changed to your natural hair color."
   "Alright Henry, enough fantasy for now." Emma told Henry.
  "Fine, I'll tell you more tomorrow."
  "Ok. Um...can I borrow that book?"
   I walked to dad's shop and walked to the back room. I plopped down on the make shift bed and started to read the book.
   "Hello, dearie. What you reading?"
   "Henry's story book."
   "Aren't you a little too old for fairytales?"
   "You're never too old."
   "Well I'm almost done here and then we can go home and eat."
  I kept reading and got to Naviana's story. I noticed our resemblance and how Jefferson looks like the Jefferson in the book. He's the mad hatter who fell in love with Naviana, but got married and had a daughter named Grace who is Paige here. The girl I watch alongside Henry.
   When I got home and ate supper, I wrote all of this thing in a notebook. I know this seems crazy but with this much resemblance and coincidences. Then I got a terrible headache again so I stopped and went to sleep.

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