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"Well I'm staying with her since she needs me... so I don't have to be all dramatical and stuff"

"Oh is that so?!" Suga asked looking at me angrily


"Answer that so? He gets to be with you all the time but we don't?!"

"I-I just need you to calm know I need him with me..since I can be in danger at any time.."

"Danger?" Asked Jungkook

"Great...I forgot they are here" I whispered to myself as I facepalmed

"What danger?" asked V and Jimin at once

"Trust will know everything sooner or's up to the best leader to keep an eye out on you..and tell you everything you need to know In the right time.."

"Stop talking like we are never seeing you again..." Said RM

"I'm sure we will see you we can visit you at spring break and stuff...don't worry"

"We have to go pack now...see you guys" Said Harmony


"Are you guys ok with leaving?"

"Not really but we have to.."

"Yea we have know May...I never thought you will get used to BTS so fast..?" Asked Harmony

"Well I never thought that too"

"Do you think they will forget us?"

"I don't think they will...we will remind them of us everyday...we do have our phones A.K.A we will stay in touch!" I said

"And we also got them the "friendship bracelets" so no way they will forget us"

"Yea right it was my idea but I forgot" I said as I laughed a bit

"I noticed that each of them has his bracelet with him"

"Well I never really looked at their wrists but I'll see tomorrow"


"Caroline wake up! We overslept! Our airplane is in an hour!!!!"


"Wake up already!!"

"What time is it?!"

"It's ten a.m get up already!"

"Oh my god...You guys ready?"

"Yes you're left"

"Ok wait for me outside I'll be out in a sec"

"Ok see ya"


"Are they still sleeping?" I asked

"I guess so.." Said May

"Looks like we will get an Uber and go alone...we won't get to say bye tho..."

"Wait I have an idea!" Said Harmony

"What?" We both asked

"We can leave them a paper"


"Ok here I have a notebook and a pen what should we write?" I said getting my pen and cutting a paper from the notebook

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