Chapter Fifteen

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You wake up in your bed, a low sigh escapes your lips as you bury your face in the pillow, trying to block out the light coming from the shades. You sit up when you recognise a familiar scent

You pick of the pillow and smell it, nope. Just fabric softener. You sniff your shirt slightly and smile. It smelt of stale popcorn and cotton candy. Pennywise.

Could you really kill someone? What were you thinking last Night! Just because that guy was a total dick doesn't mean he deserves to die.

Then again. If you don't feed him, he will eat you. You saw what he did to that little boy, he could do it to you too. No thank you.

You sit up and swing your legs over the bed, stretching slightly as you bring yourself to your feet. First off you needed to change.

You step towards your closet and swing the doors open, examining your outfits. Mainly jeans and hoodies, short sleeve shirts. Some converse. And a pair of boots you loved. They were dark grey and had a thick heal. They were like male working boots but darker

You pull out a dark hoodie and the boots along with a shirt that had bold lettering along the chest that read
' Bish please' along with black ripped jeans. Clothes done, now you needed to mess with the disaster people call hair

You shut the closet doors with a soft thud and move to your bathroom, it was conveniently close to the closet.
You walk in and switch on the light, examining yourself in the mirror.  There were red smears along your neck and partially on your lips

Cute, but it had to be washed off. The only downside of kissing a clown, make up comes off. You turn the water on to the sink and begin washing your neck and lips, the red was harder to get off than you thought it would be

Once your face is clean you pull out your hairbrush and get to work. You pull it through your (H/l) (H/C) hair, struggling with each movement. But within ten minuets you get it done

Alright, now your ready. But where would you take him? Suddenly a voice is stuck in your head again. The same low raspy voice as last night, pennywise

°The sewers. Wait for me with the boy at the main entrance. When you arive let me know you have him°

You nod to yourself and pull out your phone, pulling up rodger's number

You: Hey sexy~

Rodger: tsk, what do you want. I thought you didn't wanna do anything

You: baby I changed my mind, sorry for the pain. I was nervouse and didn't think I was ready

Rodger: first off, I knew you'd come back for some . secondly, the whole hitting me thing was hot. But you gotta prove you want me

You: strange boy. And how?

Rodger: send a bra pic >:)


You type up his request on google, scan the picture and take a screen shot of one that looked mostly like your size, cropped it and sent it to him

Rodger: hot damn girl. Alright, where you wanna meet up

You:coffee shop. I'll take you where from that point

Rodger: can't wait~

You click your phone off and gag. Even the thought of this sicko touching you makes you wanna hurl. But you don't mind a murderist clown. The fuck is wrong with your mind (and my mind XD)

Daddy Wise (pennywise X reader)Where stories live. Discover now