Chapter 2

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2 days

2 days

48 hours till I leave this house for the last time in months

48 hours till I work with who I assume is an arrogant asshole

"How does one get attractive in 2 days?" my mother looks at me questioningly as she scrolls through my search history.

"Mother I am surrounded by a team of 40 hot people I have already lived 18 years of my life looking like a mouldy apricot what do you expect?" I snap back due to the lack of sleep I have received over the last couple nights.

"I hope you're going into this with the right intentions Malianan Chistina!" Oh god she's using my full name I know she means business.

"Calm down mum I haven't had anyone interested in my whole life why would anyone suddenly like me now?"

"Fair enough." She winks and me and exits the kitchen leaving me astonished and confused.

24 hours until a taxi pulls up outside my house and I step out of my door for the last time for god knows how many months. Calm is an understatement. I'm fine, absolutely fine!

Sooooo if I hide under my bed for the next week do you think Harry and his team will notice they're missing an assistant?


Great I'm already deaf and I haven't even heard harry sing yet.


I stumble slightly trying to get my suitcase down the stairs without tearing the walls down. Looking around for the last time isn't as touching as it should be, there's quite a relief knowing that my mum will be able to look out for herself without worrying about funding for her daughter.

"Does your father know what you're doing this summer?" My mum questions with hesitation and a lost look in her eye.

"I'll tell him if he decides to show an interest." Regret sinks my body immediately as I see my mother look broken by what I just said. Ignoring what was just exchanged between us two I pull her into a tight hug. Remaining still for a few moments, moments like these are something you will never get back or could put a price on.

"Take care of yourself sweetheart." She whispers into my ear which would normally make me feel belittled and embarrassed but it brings an unexpected amount of comfort. I pull back from the hug to see my mum with tears streaming down her face.

"Get a grip mother." I playfully slap her and step out of the door tugging my extremely heavy suitcase with me. I hear her laugh followed by a sniff as I make my way down the outside steps

"Let me get that for you." Says the taxi driver while carrying my bag as if it's nothing. A quick hug and I'm out the door and going on tour.

"LOVE YOU BITCH!" I yell from the stairs.

"LOVE YOU TOO BITCH!" My mum yells back half weeping ignoring the strange look from the neighbours.

A few moments later I find myself in the back of an odd smelling taxi with a taxi driver that has an odd accent so I genuinely have no idea what he's saying but my adrenaline is so high I couldn't give a damn. We exit the housing estate that I have lived in the entirety of my life I realise I will miss this place. I'll miss the Scottish neighbours that I also never know what they're saying that have a dog that they can't shut up. I'll miss the neighbours who don't know how to work fireworks properly but still manage to go out and buy them every new year's leaving the whole estate in fear of a massive fire. I'll miss the neighbours children who constantly chuck stationary over our fence thinking it's an ongoing joke when in reality it's just a pain in the arse. I'll miss this place.

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