Porno (Brennen)

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*this is not smut, it is just the title. calm your tits susan*
(y/n): your name
(y/n/n): your nickname
you and brennen are bestfriends, but recently you two have been doing some... let's just say stuff.

brennen and i were hanging out having some fun downtown, going to tender greens, going to Venice, and so much more. after a long day we decided to go home to brennens.

once we got inside brennen asked me something that never even crossed my mind.
"hey (y/n/n)?"

"yes brennie?" i asked him confused and worried about what he was going to ask me.

"would you maybe wanna um.." he said scared and a little embarrassed.

"just spit it out silly!" i said smacking his arm and smiling.

"ok fine. would you want to make a porno?" he said turning red immediately after that word was said.

i was a little shocked. i stood there, red as well, not really knowing what to say
"sure? why not. i mean unless your going to put it somewhere. then i don't want to do it because i do not want to be a porn star." i said laughing a little bit.

"yes yes yes, of course i didnt want to spread it around anyways, just for my amusement." he said smirking quite obviously.

we went into his room right after that and i started to take off my clothes as he set up the camera. he started taking off his clothes once the camera was set up.

"hold on let me go pee" i said flat out. we've always been open like that with each other. i walked up close to him and went to kiss his lips, but he had moved his head.

"wait what? you always let me kiss you." i said quite mad at the fact that he turned his head. he was the one that wanted to make a sex tape. "i'm really sorry for saying this now but this needs to be said before we do... this." i said gesturing to the camera, still so close to him. i would be shocked if we could be closer.

"i like you, and ive had feelings for you ever since the start of this whole friends with benefits thing. you make me so fucking happy it's not even funny. every time that we kiss or that we have sex i don't even think of you as a best friend, i think of you as a lover. as someone that has been with me since day one, as someone that is always there to comfort me by giving me kisses and cuddling me." i said so fast and out of breath it was probably really hard to understand.

he just looked dumbfounded. "(y/n) this whole time, i've just thought of you as a bestfriend, just someone to mess around with once i got horny, but not have it be a hook up" as brennen said that i looked down, focusing on his necklace and fiddling with it a little bit, focusing on the words just came out of his mouth.

"but until you said what you did, i've never realized how much i love you too. i never realized that you were the one that also made me happy, the one that was also always there for me. i want to be that one comforting you and and cuddling you and making out with you in the streets, not caring what other people think, because we are only thinking of each other and how we love each other so dearly." he said so meanful, i could just hear how much he meant it in his voice.

i ran my and up his abs and grabbed his chin, and tugged it down to kiss him.

"you know what, i don't want to do this" he said so blatantly. i was very confused and sad because i thought he meant that about us.

he walked over to the camera and shut it off. i sighed with relief, knowing he was talking about the porno.

"i want the feeling of that every time we make love, we mean it, i don't want it on some fucking camera or computer screen. i want to feel it. i want to feel your love as you clench around me, as your lips are around me. i want it to be real. so in that case, (y/n), will you be my girlfriend? the one that i promise to love and not to break, the one that i want to have forever and ever and to grow old with?" he said so lovingly. not even a smirk on his face even though he hinted to his us having sex.

"yes. i want that so badly you don't even know." i said agreeing with him. i knew i was going to say it if he didnt.

"let's just spend this night in, i'll give you a sweatshirt and some shorts. we can watch movies, cuddle, make out, do anything you want." he said coming close to me. looking deep into my eyes, feeling the lust in mine.

"yeah i would like that better. let's put on a movie and make out and cuddle til it's over." i said smiling and going to hug him and kiss him.

brennen threw me a pair of spandex that i left here, and one of his merch sweatshirts. it smelt like him, which made me very happy.

he put clothes on as well and set up a movie on the tv in the living room. as he did that i got some popcorn and iced tea ready for the movie, because who doesn't have popcorn when they watch a movie?

i walked to the couch and set down the popcorn and cups. i got onto his lap and looked into his eyes. "i love you so much" i said.

"i love you so much more babygirl" he said, knowing i would doubt that fact.

"sure, sure you do." i said as i brought my lips to his, him immediately kissing back. i slipped my tongue across his bottom lip, asking for permission, as he granted. brennen grabbed my ass and started to stick his tongue down my throat as i squealed from him grabbing my ass.

i parted us because i didn't want to go to far with what we were doing.
"forget the movie, i just wanna stay right here" i said as i yawned.

"that's perfectly fine princess, do what you'd like." he said so peacefully it made me even more tired.

i stayed sitting on his lap as i put my legs to his sides and i put my head in the crook of his neck. he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"i love you babygirl" he said while kissing my cheek. i hummed in agreement and went fast to sleep.
i know this is a colby book but i has to make this story because i had a dream about it last night and if i has it as colby it wouldn't make sense to me, because my dream felt so real.

also i'm sorry if i had to spooked at the title lmao sorry i'm gonna be doing that a lot haha.

and sorry as well for that little make out scene. i had to. 

ok sorry about all the sorrys! bye my little koalas! i'm going back to colby imagines tmrwwwww 🖤🖤

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