school trip

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cliche right? but you know why it's cliche? because it works.

peter woke up to the sound of his dreaded alarm clock. he knew he wasn't going to get out of this day. oh yeah, by the way his class is going on a field trip to stark industries. imagine going on a field trip to your own house. yeah, that's how peter felt.

he threw his blanket off of him and went to the bathroom. he washed his face, brushed his teeth and messed with his hair. he went over to his closet and pulled out an orange hoodie and black skinny jeans. he threw on black shoes and grabbed his bag and phone.

he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a left over frozen coffee out of the fridge.

"can't i just stay here and go down when they come?" he asked pepper as she placed french toast in front of him.

"no, peter." pepper said. peter just sighed and ate his breakfast.

when peter was done, he put his dish in the sink and said goodbye to pepper. he went down to happy who took him to school.

as they pulled up to the school, peter tiredly got out of the car. he said goodbye to happy and walked into the school. he ran into ned on the way to his locker.

peter's POV-

"hey, peter! you exited for the trip today??" ned asked. i just glared at him and huffed.

"what do you think? i'm going on a field trip to my own house! i'm gonna get royally fucked." i said opening my locker.

"there has to be some floors you haven't been to." ned said bouncing with exitment.

"trust me. i've been to all the floors we're going to. the only floor i haven't been to is the roof. and that's because it's been under renovation." i said closing my locker.

"well then this is going to suck for you-"

"penis parker! so, you finally ready to give up your pathetic lie about knowing tony stark." flash smirked.

i turned to him and just glared at him. then i smirked.

"not a chance."


the bus finally pulled up to the tower. everyone was gushing over it. i just stayed seated and listened to my music. people started pouring out of the bus and i was last.

"what do you have up your sleeve, peter?" ned asked, scared.

"you'll see." i said smirking. ned shrugged and listened to the guide.

"hello everyone! my name is sarah, and i will me your tour guide today. shortly, i will be handing you guest level security badges. the badges go from guest level, all the way to level 10 which is only given to the avengers and close family of mr. stark. now if you follow me inside we can get you all through security and start the tour" sarah said leading everyone inside.

everyone was going through security and FRIDAY was saying 'guest level badge. welcome.' but of course when it came to me she said 'badge level 10. welcome back peter. should i inform mr. stark of your presence?' everyone stared at me.

"sure. why not. thanks FRIDAY" i said like it was nothing. smirking at a fuming flash.

"it's my pleasure, peter. mr. stark will be down momentarily to meet with you." FRIDAY said. everyone started to excitedly whisper to each other. poor sarah started to talk about some more things when everyone saw tony walking out of the elevator. everyone started screaming and pointing at tony.

"hello everyone! sarah, go back to work. i'll be personally touring this group." sarah nodded and walked off. tony winked at me and i smirked at him. he nodded in understanding.

see the thing is, tony and i made up a plan late last night to completely destroy flash. i told tony about him bullying me last night and he wanted to murder him. don't worry! you'll see what happens soon.

i could feel flash staring at me the entire time. tony called me up to the front of the group and greeted me. he let me lead the tour with him. we went into some labs and went into old training rooms. everyone was in awe of everything. if only they saw mine and tony's lab and the new training room.

"alright everyone, head off to lunch." tony said. the teacher started leading everyone out of the labs and to the cafeteria where workers eat. i sat down with ned and mj and looked around for my sandwich in my bag only to realize i left it in the penthouse.

"shit." i muttered closing my bag. mj looked at me confused and i explained to her how i left it in my house. that's when i heard people gasp and whisper. i looked up and saw natasha, clint, wanda, and rhodey walk through the door. i smiled they returned it.

"let's go guys. you're eating with us." natasha said.

"us too?" ned asked. nat nodded. we got up and started walking out of the cafeteria when a certain flash thompson had to butt in.

"are you kidding me?! why does penis parker get to eat with the avengers?? that deserves to be me! he's useless and does nothing! he doesn't deserve any of this!!" he yelled out.

"excuse me? what did you just call him?" wanda said, her hands getting red.

"p-peter ma'am" flash said timidly.

"no no. you definitely called him something else. let me hear it. what did you call him?!" she screamed. by this time the whole cafeteria was watching.

"p-penis parker.." he said looking down.

wanda just got even more mad and levitated flash then threw him across the cafeteria.

"would anyone else like to make fun of my brother while we're here??" she screamed. nobody said anything. she nodded and walked out.

"thanks wanda" i said hugging her.

"it's no problem. how long has he been bothering you?" she asked.

"freshman year.." i mumbled.

"peter! you're a junior! this has been going on for three years??" i nodded.

"well then he definitely deserved more than just a throw across a room!" she said. i smiled at her and walked to the elevator with everyone.

so at lunch, everyone found out about flash bullying me. when wanda said that she threw him across the room, it made everyone visibly calm down. let's just say, flash didn't even look at me after that day.


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