Chapter 6: Sister Margaret's

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Weasel's P.O.V

Weasel glanced over at his friend as he dried one of the last shot glasses that had been buried around him.  He watched sadly as Wade turned over a small coin in his hands.  On the table beneath them, lay that blasted photo.  Weasel tilted his head and looked at the pictures once more.  He still couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

Despite the poor quality of the photo, the bloodstained sweater and familiar dark hair splayed out on the floor was clear enough to see the victim, her eyes wide open in shock.  Weasel reached for the photo and was met with a glare from Wade.  "They left her like this you know?... Her boyfriend was the one to find her when he got home."  A tear slipped down Wade's cheek and Weasel shook his head.  "Dude you have to put that photo away."  He said, reaching for it again.  Wade slammed his hands over the photo before slowly sliding it off the bar.  "Fine."  He mumbled.

Then, just as before, Wade went back to playing with the coin, his anger replaced only by sadness.  Weasel was at a loss.  "Papa, can you hear me?"  Wade's voice nearly cracked as he began to sing yet again.  Then it stopped, pondering for a moment.  "Is if just me, or does 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman' from Frozen sound suspiciously like 'Papa Can you Hear Me' from Yenti?"  Without looking away from the coin, Wade began to sing again.  "Papa can you hear me?"  He then shook his head, letting another tear loose.  "And nobody f*cking realizes it."  He added.

"Go home."  Weasel said, breaking Wade's concentration on the coin.  "You've been here for three days okay?  What about Y/N?"  Wade sniffed and ruined his runny nose on his sleeve, making Weasel cringe.  "On top of that, you smell like somebody sh*t in a Civil War wound... after it had become gangrenous.  They should've just amputated it.  Why sh*t in it?  Doesn't make any sense."  Weasel said, beginning to go off on a tangent.

Weasel looked from Wade to his newest employee, Dopiender.  Dopiender locked eyes with Weasel who motioned to Wade.  If anyone could help change Wade's mind it was his ex-taxi driver.  Dopiender seemed to understand Weasel's motions and nodded.  Turning in the direction of Wade he spoke.  "I love Frozen!"  Weasel's arm twitched as he held back a face-palm.  Luckily, Wade seemed to ignore Dopiender's comment.

"She was my past lover."  Wade said, on the verge of tears yet again.  "I know we're supposed to hate our ex's but she was so cool!  Like... 'hey you're now f*cking my best friend but we can still hang' cool!"  Wade turned to Weasel.  "You ever have that?"  He asked.  Weasel shook his head, one brow arched.  "I feel like that's a situation very few of us can relate to."  Wade nodded, biting his lip.  "Yea well... I can't even remember the last time you were in a relationship so you're probably not the best to ask."  He mumbled.  Before Weasel could respond, Wade moaned and put his head in his hands for a brief moment before lifting his head back up and taking a deep breath in.

"It was like I was a nude beach and she was the ocean."  He said, eyes wandering to the ceiling.  "Without her,".Wade shook his head.  "I'm just some naked guy in a sand pit."  Wade moaned.  "More importantly, I liked her, you know?  George Michael was right, I'm never going to dance again."  Wade jolted his head in defeat.  "F*ck!  He's dead too."  He then looked up and gave a pained smile.  "Well, at least we still have Bowie."  Weasel stared at his friend then to Dopiender who nodded and winked.  "Yeea..."  Weasel spoke slowly and nodded.  "We still have Bowie."

Weasel and Wade waiting in silence for a few moments before Weasel decided to continue the conversation.  "What about Y/N?"  Weasel asked.  Wade turned to his friend, nodding.  "Oh Y/N? She'd be the sunscreen.  A guy of my completion can't live without her."

"No... how's she doing?"  Weasel grimaced.  "Oh."  Wade's face fell.  Weasel was shocked.  He didn't think Wade could look sadder then he already was.  "Equally as bad."  He mumbled.  Weasel looked around.  Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Y/N in quite some time.  Hopefully that means she was taking a less alcoholic route of grieving.

Weasel sighed and shook his head.  As much as he worried about Y/N, his best friend came first.  "I'm sorry."  He said softly.  Wade looked up.  "Shot after sot, it's not going to change the fact that I think you're...". Weasel trailed off abruptly, staring at Wade is disbelief.

"Are you pissing?  Are you urinating right now?  You're making the face that you make when you urinate."  Weasel said, eyeing him from across the bar table.  Wade puckered his lips and shook his head.  Weasel turned to Dopiender.  "Is he pissing?"  He asked.  Dopiender's hand shot up into the air.  "I'm on it!"  He exclaimed, a little too eagerly.

Weasel nodded at his employee's dedication.  "There you go Dopinder.  If you want to be a contract killer, you gotta handle a mope before you handle a gun."  Dopinder finished mopping and turned to him.  "Although, I don't quite understand how they are at all similar."  "Well they both have handles.  Now leave me!"  Weasel said, his eyes darting back to Wade and dropping sadly. 

"Go home Wade."  Wade shook his head.  "I don't have a home.  Not after how I got my girlfriends's bestie k-". Before Wade could finish his sentence, he slipped front he chair into the arms of a man that Weasel only knew as 'The Burly Biker Dude'.

Weasel knew the guy by face, not by name, but he knew that the dude would always loose to tic tac toe when playing Y/N.  His name was possibly along the lie of Bick maybe?  Boots?  Maybe his name was just Biker.  Weasel didn't know.  He had always just called him 'The Biker Dude'.

Biker Dude lifted Wade back up to the bar.  As he was lifted, Wade struggled weakly.  "F*ck!  Okay I'm fine.  I'm fine."  "You know what fine stand for Wade?"  Biker Dude said.  "F*cked up, insecure, needy, and emotional, according to the". He stopped, head dropping as he stuggled to think.  "Kubler-Ross."  Wade said, head never lifting above the table.  Biker Dude nodded.  "Yea.  According to the Kbuler-Ross model, denial is just one of the five stages of grief."

"Jesus Christ Buck!"  Weasel snapped his fingers.  "That's it!"  He said loudly, perhaps too excited about learning his customer's names.  Buck and Wade stared at him, both wearing an equally judgmental look on their face.  Weasel  sucked his lips into his mouth and cleared his throat, turning away from the conversations and towards the door of the bar.  Out of the corner of his eye, Weasel saw Wade turn back to Buck.  "No more speaking lines for you."  He said, standing up and pushing himself from Buck's arms.

The door to the bar opened and Weasel looked up, ready to greet the customer.  "Y/N!"  He said. Wade and Buck looked up.  "Y/N!"  Buck quickly got up and the still unstable Wade fell to the floor.  However, Buck didn't seem to notice, instead, sweeping the much smaller Y/N into a tight hug.  "I'm so sorry."  He said.  As Y/N's head peaked over Buck's massive shoulder Weasel noticed the large bags under her red-rimmed eyes.  It seemed as though Y/N was trying to work through the pain but the pain was catching up to her.  Both her and Wade needed to relax. 

"Hey Wade."  Weasel said, leaning over the bar.  Wade looked up from where he was climbing up the stool.  "What?"  "Why not go to Al's place?"  He asked.  Wade tilted his head.  "What old bag?  Why?"  Weasel looked back at Y/N and Wade followed his gaze.  "I'm just saying.  That old bag has some of your old bags if ya catch my drift.  The second old bags being your coke supply."  Wade stared at his friend and Weasel put his hands up in defence.  "Hey I'm not saying it's a healthy coping hazard.  I'm just saying you have it and you two aren't really ones to go to therapy."  Wade nodded, taking a deep breath in through his still stuffed nose.  Wiping it on his hand, Wade reached out and put that same hand on Weasel's shoulder.  "Thanks man."  He said, lifting the snot hand and patting Weasel's face.

"Dude...". Weasel said, a mix of annoyed and upset.  Wade only smiled and walked up to Y/N.  Weasel watched as Buck took a step back and Wade came up to his girlfriend, rubbing her shoulders.  The two exchanged a hug as Wade spoke softly in her hear.  Weasel watched Y/N nod then the two of them join hands and begin to walk towards the door.  "Use it not abuse it!"  Weasel called out to them.  He watched as his two friends walked out the door, Wade's arm up in acknowledgement of his statement.  Weasel watched them leave and turned to Buck for comfort.  "Thank they'll be ok?"  He asked.  "I don't now."  Buck said, staring at Weasel judgmentally.  "Do they remember people's names?". Weasel sighed and threw his arms slightly up before the fell back by his side.  "Come on man." 

Another chapter done! Hope you all enjoyed!  I'll post again next week so until then!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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