Today is Sunday,January 15th which is also the day of your birth. You invited 8 friends ( your only friends) and you were very excited to celebrate your birthday with them because they mean a lot to you. It's around 6:30pm and all of your friends have arrived, you and your best friend are talking about a way to make your birthday more exciting.Soon your mom calls all of you guys to eat food. Free food is always cool. There was pasta,chicken,spring rolls, cupcakes and a few drinks. You all chose to take food and hangout in your basement. Now we all know that nothing goes wrong in the basement.
Your mom told you that she would be in her work room and gave you and your friends some privacy. All your friends talked about the regular silly things every teen does. Around 1 hour later, 6 of your friends said they were going back upstairs to get more food... (A/N why did this sound like a math problem😂😂😂) it had been a while since they left and you, Nalani and Aisha were getting worried for the rest of your friends.
Not thinking much of it, Aisha went to see what was holding them up. As she went upstairs you got is very strange gut feeling that it wasn't a good idea. For the next few minutes you and Nalani were fangirling them kpop beauties when suddenly the lights went out. You yelled to see if Aisha was trying to scare you both and said " hey Aisha did u close the lights! Stop messing with us." When you didn't get a response you started to panic a little, you thought 'surely this is not one of those classic horror movie scenes,right?'.
You and Nalani looked at each other, contemplating whether or not you should go upstairs to see what was wrong, you've always heard the saying that 'Curiosity killed the cat' but this was just way too surreal right now. Both of you went and slowly crept your way up the stairs. It didn't help that you had those Old creeky doors but you opened it non the less. You notice that all the lights in your house are off, you call for your friends and you mom but get no reply... this was starting to creep you out a lot.
You look back at Nalani to see that she is not even fazed by all this, you swear this is literally like those horror movies and you are making the dumb choices that get the characters killed, but that's not the biggest problem right now. How can 8 people just DISAPPEAR?? You make your way to stairs and look out the window, it's really dark outside,which is not helping the mood.... you hear soft piano music, its the music they played at your neighbours was a sweet melancholy tune from what you remembered. But now it was like the music is giving off an almost eerie aura.
You can hear the music coming directly from your room.... You slowly put your hand on the doorknob and push the door open.... and you see a piano?! From what you know your family never owned a piano? How can you not notice something this big cuz it's a whole damn piano. The music is still playing and it's coming directly from the piano but no one is playing it..? You touch one of the keys and suddenly the music stops. All of a sudden the room gets very cold... you look back, but then you realized that Nalani isn't behind you anymore! You get so scared, it feels like you're suffocating. You can't move because you feel stuck. "IF THIS IS A GAME THEN JUST STOP IT NOW CUZ GETTING SCARED!" You scream out, but all you hear is your echo.
You go to your cupboard and find a flashlight that you always keep in there. Then you make your way towards your parents room... taking you flashlight, you wave it around the room to see if you can find anything that might reveal the horrible prank your friends are playing on you. You are looking through your parents' closet when you feel a hand reach to touch your shoulder... at this moment you are about to smack your friend for playing the worst prank on you, you slowly turn around and say " YOU GUYS SCARED THE SHI-" you chocked on your words when you realized that the hand did not belong to any one of your friends, it was a huge dark shadow that was almost as tall as your ceiling! All you could see was those haunting eyes of its and huge claw like nails gripping onto your shoulder! You ran, ran as fast as you could go because now you were terrified. You ran down the stairs and opened the front door, you did not care if it was the middle of winter but you wanted to get away from that thing, as far as you could get! You ran through your neighbourhood streets, streets that you knew by heart because you had been in this town for as long as you can remember, but today these same streets that you were so familiar with, seemed so distant and unrecognizable... you ran and ran until you came across the house of an old lady who lived in your area. You knock on the door loudly because you were scared that the thing would find you, at this moment all you could think of was to stay away from that thing.
You knocked again harshly when the door suddenly opened... you looked inside but didn't see the old lady anywhere, it was pitch black in the house... you look around for a source of light and found a really old torch, you twist the handle to generate light and when the light turns on your whole world crashed in front of your eyes ..... you Were back in Your House . And you can see the thing staring right at you from the mirror. The only thing you could do at that moment was break down knowing you were going to die. His long boney fingers pull your Arm and drag you to the garage where you find the dead bodies of all your friends... you wanted to scream and cry so loud but it was as if you couldn't speak, nothing was coming out. You just watched in horror as the giant thing devoured you piece by piece..soon your world went blank and you knew your time was over.
You suddenly woke up! You were lying on the stairs in front of your home, you looked around to see what was happening and tried to open your front door but it seemed to be locked... you walked to the sidewalk to see what was going on and when you looked around nothing was the same! There were now buildings where there used to be trees and your park was now a newspaper office... you ran to the street the old lady lived on and looked for her house but all that was there now was empty ground. You were so confused and scared, 'what is happening , why is everything different?!' You thought. Then all of a sudden you saw a group of middle school kids walking down the sidewalk, they stoped right in front of you and you said to them " do you guys know what happen here??? How did everything change in just a day?". They didn't respond and just stared at you, it was like they were looking right through you or they could see you or something !? 'That's ridiculous' you thought to yourself and waved your hands in front of them to get their attention but it's like they just ignored it.
Then one of the kids looked to the girl beside him and told her "you Should stay away from this house, my grandma says that 50 years ago in this very house, 9 girls were killed and eaten by a thing that haunts this house. I've heard that One of the spirits of the girls still roams around the house looking for her friends, and mom."
At that moment everything hits you. You ran to the newspaper office and looked down at the date which read "January 15th 2018" and your birthday party took place on January 15th 1968....
A/N :I hope you enjoyed the first ever story or horror fiction that I wrote. It took a while to come up with the will to do this cuz I don't have good writing skills but I hope that i didn't do too bad for my first story! Thank yo for reading and I will hopefully have another story soon!~Moka♥️
➖The Nightmare➕horror one-shot
HorrorOne shot that came to mind! Make sure you read these with ur night light on! And double check the corners of ur room if you have to.✌🏽 IMA HORROR MOVIE LOVERRR♥️♥️♥️