Stay away from my Sister! Feli x Sister!reader

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You getting teased by Klug again. Why? Well it was simple you are the younger sister of Feli. Because your sister is Feli, Klug thought he had every right to tease you for it despite you and Feli not being all to similar.

 While Feli acts creepy at times, over fantasizes about her crush Lemres, and does rituals to make Lemres like her, you are the kinder and more sweeter version of Feli. However, you felt that Feli doesn't care for you and only cares for Lemres. You had done so many things for her like wash her clothes (along with your clothes), cook for her, and so much much. And yet Feli doesn't seem to care at all.

Now back to the present the main reason Klug is teasing you right now is because you accidentally gave Klug the wrong bottle for an experiment you two were doing in science class. Klug began to throw insults at you and trying to fight you. Arle, Amitie, Ringo, and Maguro managed to separate Klug from you.

"Klug if you keep this up you are going to the principal's office." Risukuma yelled at Klug.

"Fine but that doesn't mean you are off the hook just yet (Y/N)" Klug said with a glare.


The bell rang as you got your stuff and ran to your locker. You put your stuff away and tried to find your sister. What you didn't know was that Klug was following you. When you looked at the back of the school you felt someone grab your arm. You turned to see Klug grabbing your arm really hard.

"Klug can you please let go of me? I need to find my sister." You said softly.

"You aren't getting away from me this time and your friends can't help you." Klug said as he began to beat you up.

You thought it was the end for you until Klug was tackled onto the floor. You looked to see your sister Feli standing above Klug. Lemres, Arle, Carbuncle, Amite, Ringo, and Maguro ran behind Feli.

"Four-eyed freak stay away from my sister (Y/N)." Feli said with a dark aura coming off her.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Arle asked worried.

"Yes I think but Klug was trying to beat me up." You said.

"Four-eyed freak just because (Y/N) is my sister that doesn't mean you can go beat her up okay!?" Feli yelled as Klug nodded.

"You two walk home as we will deal with Klug." Said Lemres.

You and Feli nodded and began to walk home. You two didn't talk until you asked her.

"Sister why did you defend me from Klug I thought you don't care for me?"

"It may not look like it sister but I love you like a sister would and you are important to me just like Lemres." Feli said.

You hugged Feli shocking her in the process. But she hugged back.

"I thought you never cared for me but I know you actually do care for me." You whispered as you two let go and continued walking home.

From this day forward Klug stopped teasing you and you know that You and Feli always got each other no matter what.


Hey Lilystar here I hope you do like this story I thought of. It isn't really good but I do hope you like it.

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