Sunday at 7, Sharp

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I woke up at around 5, an hour before my alarm was gonna go off. I spent about twenty minutes laying there listening to John Wayne rescuing a damsel in distress before I got up and took a shower. As the hot water washed over me I couldn't help thinking of the upcoming date. This is stupid, I'm stressed about going out with a guy I know after a year of sleeping with guys I didn't know. Maybe because I see him so often? Regardless of whatever I felt, I was going to do this. It's not a big deal.

Anyway I didn't want to take this whole date seriously, or not serious enough, so after getting out of the rapidly chilling shower I dried off and blow dried my hair. I wore a clean pair of jeans and a nice flowing shirt. As I looked in the mirror, rubbing my face and sighing. A couple of dabs of make-up later and I looked less like a zombie than normal. I brushed through my hair again, it'd been more dead since I dyed it for a fourth time. I ran some cheap hair oil through it and hoped that it would have some effect on the how frayed it was, before putting it up in a bun.

I was still about fifteen minutes early for being ready, so I sat down at the table just as the odd buzzing sound of the broken doorbell sounded. I was confused, but I wasn't going to complain at him being early. A deep breath and a smile plastered on my face was all the preparation I did before opening the ringing again door. 

"Hey Trev-" My smile fell as a tall light haired junkie pushed his way into my home. Blake. I was shoved back into my wall, and felt a sharp pain in my ribs when the bordering pressed the bones in a bit too far. A small squeak was all I ended up getting out before he turned on me, the door closing hard in his endeavor.

"You really replaced me so easy, huh?" There were less teeth in his angry grin, lost through fights or maybe just falling out through drug use. "Who the fuck is Trevor? Your new pimp?" His hand came up, grabbing the front of my shirt and throwing me to the ground, causing an annoyed thumping from the apartment next to mine before I could hear music being turned on.

I grabbed quickly for anything nearby, something to defend myself with. My fingers curled around something as I panicked, and I swung it around in Blake's direction. The snap of skin and a sharp crack rang out as the umbrella hit his face. Scrambling quickly I ran into my bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind me. As soon as I pressed my back up against the door I could feel him slam into it, trying to shoulder it open. 


Wood pressed into my back painfully, making me arch away from the door, though I pressed back against it to keep him from getting in. 


The door cracked under the stress of him ramming into it. Splinters of wood stuck out as I was pushed away from it. I backed away, trying to find something to defend myself with. There was nothing here, I didn't have the money for self defense.


The last hit wasn't against the door, but the wall right next to it. I could hear an angry scuffle just outside the broken door, and the aggressive sounds of someone punching someone else. The sounds turned to cracks and a wet crunching. Just as suddenly as it started, there was silence, then the sounds of someone getting up.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Trevor was out of breath, but still managed to growl out angrily. I opened the door to reveal a bloody mess, on him and all over my floor, even mixing with sweat and dripping down his chin. Behind him on the floor was a twitching body, Blake with his face beaten until it was unrecognizable. In place of facial features was a bloody mess, his broken nose leaking dark red out onto my already dingy carpets. 

I made it as far as the bathroom sink before vomiting out the contents of my stomach, which wasn't much at all. Yellow green bile stuck to the sides of my fake porcelain sink, sliding down slowly into the drain. My whole chest and stomach were tight, and I felt like I might throw up again if I moved or even breathed. The stench of sweat and blood filled the entire apartment. 

He came up behind me, and I flinched when he put his hand on my back. "Aw come on, it's not that bad." His hand roughly rubbed along my spine, and no doubt left blood behind as a gruesome reminder that he had just killed a man in my home. God what were the police gonna do now? Would Trevor pin the crime on me and walk away? No, he wasn't that bad. Or was he? 

I stood up straight, looking him in the eye. "What the fuck, did you just do?" I demanded in a harsh whisper. If I spoke any louder I wouldn't be able to stop the scream that was welling up inside me. Trevor looked mildly shocked and offended for a moment, a spark of anger lighting behind his eyes. 

"I saved your ass, that's what I just did!" His voice was cutting and gruff, the music in the other apartment turned up a notch or two. "You should be thanking me, this guy was about to break down that shabby door you got and have you for dinner." 

I didn't have a response for that, and thankfully, I didn't need it. A drawn out groan from the floor and some movement in his chest showed that Blake was alive. Even with everything that had just happened, even with our past, I didn't want him dead. 

"He's breathing." I sighed in relief. I could tell the cops that he broke in, he'd be taken care of, and there was no murder. "I'm calling the cops." I grabbed my phone, but before I could dial Trevor grabbed my arm. 

"Don't call anyone. They'll just fuck things up. I've got a whole mess of irons in the fire right now, and I don't want them here fucking everything up." He snapped, grabbing the phone from my hand. His whole demeanor screamed for me to kick him in his nuts and bolt, but the voice in the back of my head said no. I'd been talking to him for weeks, months now. Even with the rose tinted glasses, I knew the signs he was giving off. "Uncle T will take care of it, okay?" He looked down at me expectantly, one hand still wrapped around my wrist.

"Y-yeah." I nodded quickly, fearful even as he let me go and cracked a smile. 

"There ya go! Now, get outta here for a bit. I'll call in Wade for help, and you'll come back to a douche free apartment!" He seemed too cheerful, but I simply agreed. Before I could go though, he grabbed my arm once more and quickly left a kiss on my cheek, then shoved me towards the door. I needed no more prompting, and I dashed for the safety of my car. I was on auto pilot as I drove to the only place here that I knew was safe, Dakota's.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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