Broken Chloe

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Max's POV

I ran after the deviant, Chloe and Hank followed behind. "You can't get me, Caulfield!" The deviant taunted. My mind filled with anger, as I picked up my pace of speed. Hank fell behind Chloe and I. I can hear him yell a plan to Chloe. "Chloe! You keep following Max, I'll get the Car!"

Chloe's POV

I gave Hank a stern nod. "Got it, Lieutenant Anderson!" I shouted as he left to his vehicle. I my roller skates on and skated at full speed to catch up with Max. 'She so fast at running, just like me and the other Android, how?' I thought as I kept the pace.

Max's POV

I chase an Deviant up a high building, Chloe had caught up with me. I yell to her a plan, "I need you to help me corner him to a dead end!" She gives me a nod. She skates past me, and cuts the deviant off by pushing him to a wall. We cornered him. "It's over deviant! Surrender or Die!" I shout. Suddenly he drops a smoke bomb to blind, and successfully worked. "Where did it-" I hear Hank yell and gets cut off. "MAX! BEHIND YOU!" He screams. I turn around and I heard a gun shot. I then saw Chloe in front of me with her arms spread apart, I then see her head bleeding blue fluid down her face.

(It looks like this, but with blue blood and her eyes open)

The Deviant escaped whilst Hank and I looked at Chloe bleeding. "CHLOE!" I screamed. "SHIT!" I hear Hank yell. Chloe falls to the ground. Hank and I rushed over to her. "Oh my God! Chloe!" I choked as I begin to cry. I looked over to Hank and he's pulls out his phone to call the hospital (for Androids) and the DPD. "WE NEED BACK UP RIGHT AWAY, ANDROID DOWN!" He yells on the phone with worry in his eyes and voice. Hank picked Chloe up and carried her bridal style and run to the car. He places her in the car. I get in the passenger seat as Hank sat on the driver seat and started the car. Then we drove off to the hospital.

*Time skip*

We run into the hospital and run to the desk. "We have an emergency!" I tell the receptionist. "Write on here and wait for a few-" she was cut off by Hank slamming his hand on the desk. "WE CAN'T FUCK'N WAIT, THIS WOMAN IS DYING! WE NEED A DOCTOR NOW!" The receptionist then becomes concerned and saw Chloe's body and sees the her headshot wound. Then she calls someone. "WE HAVE AN URGENT PATIENT, I NEED AN ANDROID DOCTORS IMMEDIATELY! I REPEAT AN ANDROID EMERGENCY!" She shouts on the phone and hangs up. "Thank you!" I say. She gives us a warm smile. The doctors arrived with a surgical hospital bead and places Chloe on it. We followed the doctors to the surgical room. But they told us to wait outside, we agreed and sat in the waiting room and waited for Chloe.

*Time skip*

A few hours passed. I was pacing back and forth worrying about Chloe. I had tears running down my cheeks. "Max, calm down!" Hank tells me. But I couldn't, I couldn't breathe or think, I was afraid of losing her again. I know that they can be built again, but it wouldn't be the same. I feel like I was losing My Childhood friend again. "I can't, Hank, I'm afraid of losing her again!" I choked as I cried. Hank approaches me and He pulls me in a tight hug. "I'm afraid of losing her too, kiddo!" He comforts me. Then one of the doctors walks in. I let go of Hank and we both run to the doctor. "How is she, is she going to be okay?!" I ask quickly like Chloe's life depended on it. "She's alright, the rest of her body isn't completely damaged." He tells us. "WHAT ABOUT HER FUCK'N HEAD?!" Hank shouts in anger. "The wires are destroyed-" he starts but I cut him off. "WHAT ABOUT HER FUCK'N MEMORY?!" I screamed. "The memory's fried. But she stills know who you two are." He says with sympathy. I fell to the floor on my knees and broke down in tears. "Oh my God, no, Chloe!" I choked and buried my face in my hands. Hank approaches me and He picks me up off the floor and hugs me tightly. "We'll try to fix everything we can, but it might take, 2 years or less or more because her wires are really destroyed and The memory will take longer too, we might be able to fix all of her memory." The doctor said. Hank approaches him. "Do everything you can, to save her." He tells him. The doctor nods. Hank and I leave back to the DPD.

*Time Skip*

We walked inside the station then we heard
Officer Fowler yell in the speaker. "LT. Anderson, and Detective Caulfield. In my office Now!" He shouted twice. 'Shit' I thought. We start to run to his office.

*Time Skip*

"I'm extremely sorry for what happened to Price. The hospital called and said it will take two years, less or more." He says. "It's fine, the two of us will handle the case without her until she's ok to be back on the field." Hank Sighs. I didn't say a word. I was too busy thinking about me going after the deviant and killing the son of a bitch for hurting Chloe. I don't want take it to justice. I want to destroy it! "I'm sorry, you two can't solve a case just the two of you, I called Cyberlife, and they're going to send a replacement. No Exceptions-" I then cut Fowler off slamming my hands on his desk, I lifted my head to look up at him with tears in my eyes and build up anger across my face. "I DON'T WANT A FUCK'N REPLACEMENT! I WANT CHLOE! MY FRIEND WAS FUCK'N KILLED BY A DEVIANT BASTARD! IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME! I'LL TAKE THE FUCKER DOWN MYSELF!" I screamed. I ran out of his office crying. I see my other friends Kate and Dana stop me from running. "Max, are you okay?" Kate asks me with a worried expression. "Max, what's wrong, what happened?!" Dana sadly asks. I lightly shoved them out of the way and continued running. "MAX WAIT!" I heard them yell. I kept on running and never looked back. I then Left the DPD.

Hank Pov


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