Meeting him

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I was finally here at the school of my dreams. U.A high school, the school where people go to become heroes once they graduate. I was a girl name Y/N and i had three quirks water, teleportation and finally i can make anything decay by just looking at the item and activating the quirk. I have these three super strong and helpful quirks because i-, "arg sorry bout that!" I had accidentally walked into someone and was now currently on the floor with a male holding out his hand to be. He had half white hair and the other half red, he was quite tall with a scar on one side of his face, overall he was kinda cute but he would never love someone like me. I took his hand and thanked him without any emotion in my voice or face, "I'm Shoto Todoroki. Whats your name?", 'he doesn't care he probably does this to everyone you b****' i looked at the ground and said, "I'm F/N L/N...." He nodded and waved goodbye and walked off without a second glance and i frowned.

I made it to class 1-A without anymore incidents and took a seat, unfortunately Todoroki walked in saw me and decided to take a desk right next to mine, I gathered up the courage and faked a smile at him and said, "oh hey Todoroki." He did a half smile and answered back, "hey L/N I didn't know you were in this class, you must have a really strong quirk." My smile faltered and i tensed up i didn't want anyone to know about my past and how i was able to have three quirks, at the most a human body can only hold up to two quirks max nothing more it's physically impossible exempt me. "Oh uh yeah my quirks are pretty good i guess what about yours?" I tried to shift the topic over to him but it didn't really work, "you have two quirks as well, so do i! Mine is ice and fire what are yours?" Here was the question i didn't want to answer but Todoroki was the only one who had talked to me so i decided to tell him, "uh i actually have um three. Water, teleportation and i can make things decay to dust if i look at it including people so i'm careful when i go outside..." He was about to say something and i could see the surprise on his face but our teacher walked in.

Throughout the day i had avoided Todoroki and now it was home, i was speed walking to my apartment and when i got there i shut and locked the door once i went into my room i changed into an over sized t-shirt and underwear and laid on my bed grabbing my phone out of my pocket i started to watch youtube until i fell asleep and into the world of nightmares.

"NOO STOP PLEASE!" You cried out in desperation, you were on a metal table with fluids being injected into you. "This will only hurt for a minute, now stay still Y/N!" It was more of a command than what someone would say to comfort you so it only made you squirm on the table more. You hated this, you wanted it to end, you wish they would just kill you already. You had already tried to use your water quirk to stop them and escape but no luck, now there was no hope for you getting out, to your right was a man you couldn't see properly, to the left was a man with blue hair and hands all over his body but the most frightening sight was that there were more things that looked inhuman on other tables with different colored fluids going into their bodies. You wished it would all end soon.

Time skipu

You woke up not on the metal table but leaning on someone else's arm, you quickly shot up which was a mistake as you fell on the floor, you looked up and saw the same guy with the hands all over him and he was sitting on a barstool before looking down at you, "well look who finally who up." He explained that you were a lucky human and you now had three quirks build into you your water quirk stayed but you also had teleportation and a stronger decay power like his, the difference was he had to put all five fingers where you only had to look at the item or person and activate the quirk by closing your eyes for five seconds while thinking about the object. You ran out of the building not looking back but surprisingly no one came after you. For the next two years your life continued and you wanted to go to U.A to become a hero with your three quirks.

I woke up and looked at the time, 3:49 a.m. I sighed and got up to go to the kitchen, i made myself some food and say down on my couch, i heard something outside and looked out the window to see Todoroki walking down the street hands in his pockets, i opened the window and called out for him, he turned around and saw me, "L/N?" I rolled my eyes, "yes, L/N who do you think it is, do you want to come inside?" He nodded and walked up to my door, when i opened it for him he blushed crimson and i remembered what i was wearing, "I'll be back!" I ran into my room and put on some leggings and a different shirt and walked back out to him, "so what are you doing walking around town so early Todoroki?" He shrugged, "family problems." I nodded and offered for him to stay until the morning and he accepted.

I went back to sleep after showing Todoroki where everything was including where he was sleeping, i didn't have any dreams for the rest of the night and when we woke up we got ready and walked to school together.

Yay chapter one done. 1034 words

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