Getting out

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It's late at night and I have my escape all planned out, Iv been acting good all month for this moment and it better not get screwed up. "Ralph can I refill your coffee?" I ask the only guard on duty thinking to myself "if you say no I swear to god" "might as well I'm gonna fall right to fucking sleep soon, don't do anything stupid girl!" he says soberly as I go to refill it I add a whole bottle of sleeping liquid and mix it in,

I pass it to him and he chugs it, in only 5 minutes he's passed out and the others barley notice I left as I jump over the fence and far far away from that hidious town. I see pearl chasing me just as I'm bout to get on a bus "shit!" I screech and start running I forgot about the head master. I turn a sharp corner and bolt straight into a house locking the door and ducking down seeing her run right past I realize I have been holding my breath the whole time, I look infront of me finally seeing a wide eyed family of 3 a man in around his 20's and a girl I'm assuming is his wife holding a baby in her arms, I gulp, fuck.

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