The Return of Herobrine: Chapter 8

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The helicopter lands in London, England and Soap and Sarah gets out of the chopper and gets Herobrine on the roller bed.

Soap Force: Get him inside!

Soap and Sarah drags him.

Herobrine are having flashbacks.

Herobrine: Welcome Herobrine Jr.

Right now, Soap and Sarah are inside.

Soap Force: Put pressure on that wound!

Sarah: I'm trying Soap!

Herobrine has another flashback. In the cemetery he turns around and Monica was behind him.

Herobrine: Mom!

Herobrine stops having flashbacks.

Soap Force: Move out of the f****** way!

Sarah: Your going to be alright, Herobrine, just hang tight!

Herobrine has another flashback.

Herobrine and Soap were at the boat.

Herobrine: Soap! Back up, back up!

Soap Force: I'm trying!

Herobrine and Soap's boat went down the waterfall and they were holding on the boat and Herobrine was right there, in front of TaskForce #8, and he throws the knife at him. Herobrine stops having the flashback.

Katie: Herobrine!

Soap Force: Doctor! Save him!

Doctor: I'm on it!

Sophia: He isn't going to make it!

Soap Force: Yes he is, 3, 2, 1! Clear!

The doctor has used the machine and Herobrine's status is still going.

In Brockton where Steve's house is. Steve and General Zak are on their computers and General Zak found out that TaskForce has been killed.

General Zak: Are you f****** kidding me right now!

Steve: What happened?

General Zak: Remember that TaskForce #8 was going to kill Herobrine and his brother TaskForce #7.

Steve: Yeah, so?

General Zak: There is reports saying that TaskForce #8, has been killed by Herobrine and it says right here, "Herobrine is injured but we don't know if he made it or not, the code name for TaskForce #8, is Al-Asad. More news is coming soon."

Steve: Al-Asad? He should've been working with my men in Afghanistan, the Shadow Company.

General Zak: It says right here that, TaskForce #8, was working with the OpFor this entire time! Did he just betray us, just for the DSM?

Steve: No, then that means that Soap must've grabbed the DSM out of his pocket, when Herobrine killed him.

General Zak: This isn't good. I must have contacts with the OpFor.

General Zak checks his files.

General Zak: Right here! I am going to contact them, right now!

General Zak contacts the OpFor to see of they have the DSM.

General Zak: OpFor, this is General Zak.

In Afghanistan.

General Zak is speaking through the speakers.

General Zak: I am looking for the DSM that Al-Asad said that he will bring it to me and Steve.

OpFor HQ: General Zak, this is the OpFor HQ, Al-Asad has taken the DSM with him.

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