This isn't right.(Part 4)

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(3rd person P.O.V)

From that day on, Amy was seeing everything from a different view. Everything was getting...weirder by the second. The way kids walked to school, the way teachers weren't teaching, at all. Why weren't they teaching? Why were the students acting like this? The thought bounced in Amy's head as she had bitten into a waffle drowned in syrup.

"You seem, a bit, 'bleh' today Amy? What's wrong?"Shadow tamed the open fire at the kitchen stove. "Huh? Oh, just thinking about stuff.."She stopped thinking and looked at Shadow, the love of her life.

Where would she be right now without him? Probably still chasing after Sonic.

"Then..What's on your mind? You know you can always tell me."He kissed her cheek over the table, making a smile appear on her face.

"Well..people at school has been acting weird lately? It's been like a few days and the whole school has turned a bit more chaotic than it usually is.

"I mean..they don't really start fights anymore, and I remember they went off into the auditorium, chanting something.. But I don't remember.."He shrugged, turning the other way to begin washing the dirty dishes.

"I have to talk to Sonic."


"I need to ask him whats going on with him.. I don't know if you've noticed, but.. He hasn't been..himself lately."Amy replied.

"Ok, I won't be at school today, I wanna finish cleaning the basement, I think I can find a couple of things interesting down there." Shadow cooed, waving a dvd version of Midnight: With Jacob and Edward in Amy's face.

"Ew we are NOT watching that!"Amy giggled, getting up to go get dressed.

"What ever you saaaay~"He cooed again.

Amy looked in her closet, to see the old red dress look to the back of her wardrobe, and she sighed happily. "I remember those days.." She then put on a red top with black jeans, red shoes to match.

"Hm..I need a new sweater soon.."She said, putting on her old Black 'NAP' sweater, and soon rushing down the stairs with her bookbag.

"Kiss me before you-"Shadow was cut off by Amy kissing him happily, as they parted for air she then made her way out the door, and to school.

The day was mild, just a bit breezy.

Amy's eyes wandered into the sky as she saw the school, but it wasn't right.

It wasn't right at all.

The students had been walking to school in a single line, not waiting outside and talking about, making Amy step backwards a bit.

" not right.."Amy said to herself, walking towards the school and into one of the front doors that wasn't used.She went to her locker, watching the students walk in a straight line. Their eyes seemed to be glowing pink, like Sonic was days before.

Amy closed her locker quietly, now trotting into the library, instead of her first class. To her surprise, it was empty, not even a librarian was in there.

"Phew, I can research in peace."She went to one of the computers, and sat her bookbag down, to hear quiet whimpers in the next aisle of books. Amy got up, creeping towards the next aisle to see..


Her whimpers stopped as she saw Amy, and she backed up even more, scared of what might happen.

"Cream.. I'm not going to hurt you..You know you can trust me.."Amy stopped, and crouched.

"Amy..? Is it really you..? And not them..?"Cream crawled towards Amy, analyzing the moves that she made.

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