Walking Is Such Great Pastime

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Namjoon strolls the streets wearing a cap and shades to cover his identity. It's a free day today and he wanted to spend his time enjoying nature's company. He would've asked Taehyung to join him but he was still sleeping soundly so he decided to bring him next time.

It's eight in the morning and the sun was shining not too brightly but just enough so that everyone can see it's already daylight. He breathes in a breath of fresh air and he exhales just as calm; Seoul never was like this. All he could breathe in were fumes and smoke. Not really healthy for the lungs.

As he walks he sings 'Butterfly' and takes out his phone in case of potential pictures. There's a dog running by and barking loudly, and he smiles at the energy it possesses to even run like that. He can't even jog while singing. Another sign that he's growing old.

Still he looks around. He wants to take a few pictures today and possibly show them to the members. He's sure Taehyung would appreciate it since he knows he loves art and aesthetics.

He decides to sit on a bench overlooking a river and there were a few stands selling food so he bought some bread to feed to ducks. They liked it and their quacking was something to listen to. Namjoon even made a few beats using their sound and it was hilarious.

Eating a piece of sandwich from one of the stalls he visited, he began recording the ducks swimming around and just talking to each other in a language only they knew and understood. He found it cute and just really nature-like.

When his phone showed it was already ten he bid goodbye to the animals and opted to look up for the birds. Once in a while he'd trip over something but it wouldn't faze him. Namjoon still kept his gaze up to listen to them sing and tweet and watch them fly around.

"Beautiful day huh?" Namjoon turns to see an old man sitting by a bench. The rapper smiles and walks over to sit a few meters from him.

"Yes indeed sir. I couldn't waste a day just lying in bed."

The old man hums in acknowledgement. Namjoon saw him nod a tiny bit. "True that. I'm waiting for my wife to show up. It's our anniversary today."

Namjoon's head whips to him quickly. "Oh wow sir. Congratulations. I'm really happy for you." He showed a genuine smile.

"Yes boy, and I am happy we made it this far. This was where our first date happened. I still remember it clear as day." He looked up to the sky.

Namjoon's wide smile receded into something more gentler as he watched the old man reminisce about his youthful days. Then it struck him that he and his members would suddenly turn like this when the time came. He didn't know if he was excited or scared. The future was very uncertain.

In the corner of his eye he saw another figure. He turned to see an old woman with white curly hair walking toward them holding a cane.

The man beside him smiled brightly at her. "Honey!"

The woman smiled and attempted to walk faster.

"Whoa careful there miss you might trip," Namjoon called out to her, concern lacing his voice.

She did slow down and kissed the cheek of her husband, taking the other unoccupied space. She smiled kindly at the BTS leader.

"Thank you for your concern dearie."

He nods. "Your husband here told me it's your anniversary today. I'm so happy for you both."

She nods too. "Yes thank you."

There was a comfortable silence and Namjoon stood to take his leave. He bowed respectfully to the old couple and went on his way.

He strolled around and decided to visit the zoo. He wanted to see turtles today. It was a long time since he last saw one. He even wanted to hold one in his palm. With that thought in mind, he trudged forward.

A little girl bumped into his legs and he looked down to see her rubbing her forehead. She smiled at him and went on her merry way after apologizing.

"Wow," he whispered to himself, watching the marine animals swim about in their tanks with such grace and poise. He wanted to dance like that. Maybe Jiminie could teach him how to look elegant.

His phone was out as he walked around and sometimes he caught himself gaping at the majestic creatures he passed by. Even the land animals seemed refined. But the rabbits were cute!

When he spared his phone a glance for the time he was more than surprised to find it was already quarter to twelve. They would be having lunch after fifteen minutes. Seokjin would scold him for sure so videoing everything he could, he left in a rush, almost breaking the doors and windows for his clumsiness.

"I'm here!" he panted as he opened the door to a relatively peaceful atmosphere. Yoongi looked at him.

"Oh I didn't realize you were out. I was just about to call Hoseok to wake you."

Namjoon's face fell. "You thought I was asleep the whole day?"

"Well I was," he said back. He resumed putting plates on the table. "Just call the others and change your clothes."

He gave a nod and saw the maknae line watching television. "Hey guys it's almost lunchtime."

Tae turned to him excitedly. "Hey hyung did ya go out today?"

He was a little surprised. "Yeah why?"

"Oh nothing much." He turned to Jimin. "I told you!"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Okay fine."

He turned to Jungkook who was poking his knee. "Hyung you owe me twenty won."

"Aish you brat! Alright later!"

The two youngest giggled. Namjoon left to look for Hobi. He appeared from one room and he smiled in his usual dazzling way.

"Where you been Joon?"

"The park and zoo."


He nodded. "Well then get changed. Jin-hyung's gonna burst if he sees you still like that."

They share a chuckle. "Yeah he probably will."

So he goes inside his room with Tae and begins to change. Yup, this is life with Bangtan. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

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