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Jimin was walking the streets with his leader behind him a few meters, engrossed in his phone as they walked.

He was really minding his own business when he tripped on a curb and fell forwards, Namjoon looking up just in time to see his younger member stumble on his own two feet.

"Aigoo Jimin-ah are you-"

"I'm fine," cuts in Jimin automatically, before shooting a reassuring smile and looking forward again, only to kiss a post and hit his nose.

Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle, though karma wasn't so kind when he dropped his phone.

It was the younger's turn to laugh. "Who's unlucky now hyung?"

"Aish shut up."


Another shoot for an upcoming album. Taehyung was walking around bored out of his mind since the others were either busy or too lazy to accompany him.

He spots a food stand and hurriedly walks over, grabbing a few finger foods and stuffing all in his mouth as he continued his trek.

He waved to his stylist noonas and even stops to have a quick chat. As he bid goodbye to the latest who usually worked on the eldest, he didn't realize he was about to crash into a girl who was carrying a lot of tissue paper rolls.

Taehyung turned too late, and they bumped into each other, sending the rolls flying and spilling on the floor, the others rolling away that they had to catch them before anyone could get hurt.

As they finished stacking all the rolls, finding an eco-bag along the way, Taehyung apologized "I'm so sorry miss I didn't see you. But it wasn't my intention to do that."

The girl just smiled reassuringly and said "That's okay. I'm grateful you took the time to help me fix this even when you have a schedule. Thank you." She bows and quickly takes her leave.

Taehyung gives one glance before deciding to head back. As he turns around, he hits his shoulder on the wall, trying to appear unhurt but failing, as he had clutched his shoulder while he winced in pain.

Jungkook caught sight of him and only stared with unblinking eyes, before eliciting a giggle and scurrying away. Why that brat...

Ow ow his shoulder still hurts.


They were doing a run-thru of a dance, not really giving it their all as they were doing the countings with Hoseok helping the dance instructor lead.

"Hana dul set and hana dul set," chants the rapper who was also a dancer at the same time, eyes on the mirror as he studies his members' movements.

Yoongi was quietly following along, till they had to do the spin in order to reach their new positions.

He counted in his head and was met face-to-face with Jungkook, who blinked wide doe eyes at the sudden closeness of his hyung.

"Well this is awkward," states Yoongi as he backs away to stand on his new place, Jungkook taking center again.

The instructor told them to have a five-minute break, and Yoongi raced to the corner to grab his phone and plug in his earphones. Through his side vision he saw the maknae asking Hobi for clarification.

Man that was awkward and embarrassing.

He took a swig of his water bottle before taking a short power nap.

On the way back to the van he couldn't control his knee's sudden movement to buckle, so he stumbled and grabbed the closest thing he could touch, which turned out to be Jungkook's shirt. Ahh, not again.

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